Wednesday, June 1, 2022

39ers Aging with ATTitude Platitude JUNE 2022

Too Late to Turn Back Now JUNE 39ers! 

Too late to stop your love, or to diet for skimpy summer styles, but it’s never too late to celebrate YOU any time!

With this month, watching the sun rise and set with a little life in between ... I’m officially dubbing our monthly article the Aging with ATTitude Platitude for 39ers! Yep, I’m repurposing the article-ending quote to use for the title, too. Happy UN-Birthday JUNE 39ers ... and many more!

֎ Celebrating JUNE ~ with ATTitude!
Is June your UN-birthday month, or are you ready for a summer party with your
Gemini and Cancerian friends? How about turning it into a volunteer party to help clean up our oceans and rivers? I have ideas for you, but first ...

I know you’ll all identify with National Bathroom Reading Month! Admit it—we all do it, whether it’s your phone, a newspaper, or a book. Which reminds me of a fun, fond memory ... I come by my writing naturally, and my mother took it to the bathroom. We always had a notepad and pencil tacked to the wall to while away our time and write a few witty thoughts. Of course, someone had to inscribe, "Here I sit, broken hearted. Came to sh*t but only farted." Did I mention we have a family full of class clowns? (Or is that "crass"? LOL). Take your ‘puter, phone, paper or notepad with you, for your next restroom break and enjoy the moment!

On a more refreshing note, it’s also National Ocean Month and although the official National Ocean Service government link is ... you guessed it ... two years old, their oceanic information page is very interesting, with several topics covered. Want to explore the ocean’s ecosystems, maritime ocean and coastal science, or just the basics? They’re ready for you! And you can learn first-hand as you help clean the beaches ...  

Are you closer to a river than an ocean? Hooray! You get to celebrate too, with National Rivers Month! Since it’s without an official link, we went searching for a suitable stand-in and found the National Environmental Education Foundation in Washington, D.C. Do you know: “The United States is home to about 2.9 million miles of river to enjoy and protect.” Learn where to boat and fish, and how to protect your local lazy river as it meanders through your area. Of course, you can help clean it up!

June 8th: Yep, along with National Ocean Month, there must be a World Ocean Day! If you can participate in cleanup efforts on this day, terrific. But weekday or weekend, you can make it a family, or friends, or company play day! Here’s what one organization is doing—or look for ocean events across the country.

June 14th: In addition to the new 39er monthly title, we’re adding a new feature—moon phases! Anyone who has ever gazed at a full moon (perhaps with stars in your eyes) knows the pull of Full Moon Magic. Every month you’ll find tidbits and links to more info, about the enigmatic Full Moon and New Moon phases. This month the Full Strawberry Moon falls on Flag Day (in the U.S.). Raise a flag and salute to strawberry picking month! And before we regale you with new moon naissances, let’s talk about ...

June 18th: Look out! It’s World Juggling Day and chances are you’ll see someone trying it, whether they have the expertise or not. Juggling has been around so long—near as I can find, since the ancient societies in the Middle Bronze Age—it boggles my mind just to think about it! And for pure amazing difficulty of throwing and catching, it’s no surprise that the most common performance juggling item, is a bowling pin! Slim, with a catchable bulb on one end and the other unwieldly large, catching it is practically a magic act in itself. If you want to try it, may I suggest small, plastic pins at first?

June 19th: No, we haven’t forgotten about dear ol’ Dad. Brownielocks’ calendar gives us a nice account of Father's Day history. And we’re all about the “good ol’ days” here, so give yourself the gift of fond moments or memories with Dad, and if you can, make some new ones! An oft-quoted truism, “Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a Dad.”

June 21st: Whoohoo! Enjoy the Summer Solstice, better known as the First Day of Summer and the longest day of the year. Of course, the bad news is the days will get shorter and shorter from this day forward. Ah well, live in the moment, right?! One must maintain a little bit of summer, even in the winter. ~ Henry David Thoreau.

June 28th: New Moon Musings are special too! Though a full moon gets most of everyone’s attention, a new moon also has unique qualities that affect us all, in perhaps a more subtle way. By the time the new moon comes around this month in the Cancerian zodiac, we’ll be ready for the changes it’ll thrust upon us. Just as its moniker states, it often brings new beginnings in our lives, so pay attention to your new moons, especially if you’re wondering which way to turn. In June, listen to your instincts.

Monthly Song of Note: Are ya ready to sing along? This ol’ song is a great karaoke tune. Too Late to Turn Back Now by Cornelius Brothers (& Sister Rose [backup singers]) is a soulful song that obviously struck a love-nerve with many, in June 1972, as it hit #2 June 30th at KCBQ/San Francisco. ... It's too late, baby to turn back now I tell ya ... Manifest your memories, 50 Years Ago this Month! 

֎ For 39ers who Follow the Stars
Happy UN-Birthday 39ers! We start the first month of summer with Gemini (05/21-06/20) who may want to reevaluate their close personal and professional relationships. Change might be necessary, but it needn’t be catastrophic. Even a small adjustment can make a difference. Take heart, Gemini, clarity comes toward the end of the month.  

For Cancerians (06/21-07/22) we’re looking eventually at a fun month! But first, take care of your health and get plenty of rest. Vacation time? It’ll give you the vitality needed to make it to the New Moon on the 28th, which will give you an extra boost of energy. Gather your friends together for a middle-of-summer pal-a-thon before the moon goes on its merry way.

֎ Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude 
No matter how old you are, it’s never too late to think young ... with ATTi-tude!   ~ L. Rochelle 

Cheers to your Happy UN-Birthday 39ers ~ JUNE 2022! 
This one’s for you, kids – Sally (Sarah), Christine, and Melanie!

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Final post: 06/06/22 @ 8:40a
ORIGINAL 1st post; LR’s / 39er NOTE
06/01/22: Try as I might, just couldn’t get the blogs up on time. I did it to myself—what was I thinking, writing three blogs, all to be posted on the same day? Sigh. Please come back later today (or tonight or ASAP!) for JUNE’s Summer fun and festivities 39er style ... might as well ‘cause it’s ... Too Late to Turn Back Now JUNE 39ers! Work in progress … and watching the sun rise and set with a little life in between ...

LinDee Rochelle is a writer and editor by trade, and author by way of Rock & Roll. She has published two books (of three) in her Blast from Your Past series, available on Amazon (eBook and print): Book 1Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The First Five Years 1954-1959; and Book 2Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The Swinging Sixties. Coming soon … The Psychedelic Seventies!

*Important Message: Any data, links, or opinions in this site are for your information only and does not constitute legal or medical expertise of any kind. My expertise is writing and sensible reporting. Period. Please use all data, links, or my skewed opinions at your own risk.

Are you a 39er this month? Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!

<><><>39ers RULE<><><>