39er Kids will be Kids!
For some reason, I know apologies aren’t really necessary when I’m late with this blog. I figure, by the time we’re 39ers, we know life is never going to go exactly as planned. It may be a reasonable facsimile, but daily schedules are subject to frequent, frustrating change.
Okay, so some of it was procrastination … sorry … but I was reading our local newspaper (yes, the black-and-white-print-that-comes-off-on-your fingers news) and noted an event named “Older & Bolder Expo.” Of course, that caught my eye. We 39ers embody the title!
The annual community expo at a senior center listed the usual speaking topics: health care, senior care, service providers, senior center “activities,” health-related exhibitors and the requisite products for sale.
Unless you just “turned old” overnight, you’ve been to more than a few of these since turning 40 (for your parents, of course). However, the news article didn’t mention anything FUN for 39ers!
Let’s just say “older and bolder” refers to those a tad over 40—make it retirement age—62. Still, there was nothing on the event website that sounded FUN at any age. Here’s a topic to consider for an expo: “How to LAUGH at 62+!” I know there are organizations that plan events and outings for seniors. Old age doesn’t have to be dull and drab, in a creaking rocker. (Conversely, it also is not as energetically portrayed by dozens of generally misleading TV pharmaceutical ads.)
Focusing on the mundane, necessary preparations and maintenance of the older and bolder is simply smart aging. However, there is more to living life NOW. Know your limitations, but more importantly, know your strengths, inner needs, desires, and what puts a smile on your face every … single … day. That’s what makes you Aging With ATT-i-tude!
֎ Celebrating SEPTEMBER 39ers ~ And More!Fall comes roaring in on the mighty growl of a tiger! I’m tellin’ you, it’s all in the ATT-i-tude … and so we celebrate …
National Save A Tiger Month! In addition to Big Cat Rescue, the World Wildlife Fund offers more ways to learn and contribute to saving these magnificent creatures from the ravages of “progress.” Cat lovers everywhere will especially connect with this month, recognizing the traits and mannerisms of the big cats, in their own little domestic felines. Three very worthwhile links let you explore what your kitty’s oversized cousins need to survive in this greedy, overdeveloped world. Help from us is always appreciated. Get Big Cat Rescue NEWS—explore and enjoy.
September 39ers also share their UN-birthday month with World Candle Month no matter how many candles are on their cake! Of course, Candles.org is talking about the soothing, decorative candle and their site offers the myths, magic, and safe use of our glowing household staple. Lighting a lovely, scented candle is a great way to pamper yourself, especially during the New Moon. Make a wish …
September 15th: New Moon Musings Feeling like you need to seek out like-minded people? The New Moon encourages stretching beyond your normal circle. Celebrate SEPTEMBER’S New Beginnings with new acquaintances! It’s also time to make time for yourself. Light a candle and sit quietly to review life in your mind’s eye.
September 15th: After a little New Moon introspection, break out into boisterous memories for National 8-Track Tape Day! The dinosaur of music returns to celebrate muscle cars and music together again, just as it was in your ol’ 1966 Mustang. They were a brief but totally fun upgrade over AM Radio and driving was never the same. No commercials!
September 16th: Longtime surfers know that there is nothing like the peace and tranquility of the ocean to soothe a savage soul. They also know, the only real surfboard is a longboard … come see why at San Diego’s
Classic Longboard Surfing Contest! For a day, Mission Beach is transported back to the truly good ol’ days of sand, surf, and sun … when your board was taller than you and weighed up to twenty pounds! Go ahead, you can dredge up the memories of silly surf movies, we won’t tell. Vintage longboard collectors go here …September 21st: Hmmmm, since you’re thinking beach blanket bongos, bonfires and Limbo sticks, you’re primed for National Dance Day! According to the quite dry official Congress designation, “Expressing support for dance as a form of valuable exercise and of artistic expression, and for the designation of September 21, 2019, as National Dance Day,” you can now dance your heart out—whether it’s a cultural jig or a Rockin’ jive. Bottom line, get movin’!
29th: We were treated to some awesome Full Moon Magic this
summer, but September’s Harvest Full
is no slouch! The farmer-friendly moon hangs out around sunset longer than
other moons, shining enough light for harvests to be worked ahead of early
frosts. Also known as Autumn Moon (Cree) and Autumn-apt Falling Leaves Moon
(Ojibwe), it should prove to be mesmerizing no matter where you are.
September 29th-30th: Vacationing in San Diego? Or a San Diegan looking for a place to find vintage treasures? As the Del Mar Fairgrounds’ website suggests, “Discover farmhouse, handmade, industrial, up-cycled and re-purposed goods from over 130 vendors in 70,000 square feet at The Great Junk Hunt.” Make it a totally fun scavenger hunt! 😊 Need something closer to home wherever you are? Shop in your town …
֎ For 39ers
who Follow the Stars
first half of this month, Virgo 39ers
(08/23-09/22) may be frustrated and sluggish. Are you dragging your heels on
something? Take heart, about the time you hand September over to Libra,
you’ll feel a little lighter. Your innate ability to sort things out will suit
you well. Wear your fave earth tones of brown or green … you’ll begin to feel
The rest of you 39ers who have Virgo and Libra friends, now is the time to show how much they mean to you. It doesn’t need to be extravagant. It’s the little things that count. If you do decide to go big, the stunning sapphire is September’s official birthstone that works for both. There’s always a “however”: by Zodiac sign, Virgo’s is the beautiful blue sapphire and Libra’s is the elegant opal.
֎ Monthly Song
of Note
When you’re young, the thought of turning 40+ is abhorrent, if thought of at
all. So you would think young people writing a song about young people would be
upbeat and glowing. The only thing upbeat about our SEPTEMBER Song of Note
is its tempo … the lyrics for “Show Biz Kids,” are
surprisingly cynical and less than complimentary.
On your next 39er UN-birthday, pamper yourself all day. Treat yourself like royalty even if everyone else thinks you’re the court jester ~ L. Rochelle
UN-Birthday 39ers ~ SEPTEMBER 2023!
This one’s for you, kids – Bob,
Karen, Jennifer, Thomas, Chad, Scott, and Verne!
Join the 39 & Holding Club!
Celebrate 39 & Holding Day!
Chat on Twitter: @39HoldingClub
And dear readers, I just want you to know that I try my best to create an informative, aesthetically creative article for you each month. However, Blogger is not a professional hosting site—but they’re free through Google. So we’re stuck with their crummy platform that doesn’t work well to manipulate images with writing, if you aren’t a techie who knows HTML. Trust me, I’ve tried for years to write articles without gaps between paragraphs and even between sentences. Sigh. Maybe I’ll win the lottery and be able to afford a professional hosting site someday. Cheers!
LinDee Rochelle is a writer and editor by trade, and author by way of Rock & Roll. She has published two books (of three) in her Blast from Your Past series, available on Amazon (eBook and print): Book 1 – Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The First Five Years 1954-1959; and Book 2 – Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The Swinging Sixties. Coming soon … The Psychedelic Seventies!
*Important Message: Any data, links, or opinions in this site are for your information only and does not constitute legal or medical expertise of any kind. My proficiency is writing and sensible reporting. Period. Please use all data, links, or my skewed opinions at your own risk.
Are you a 39er this month? Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!
<><><><>39ers RULE<><><><>