Tuesday, March 21, 2023

39ers Aging with ATTitude Platitude MARCH 2023

Music is March Magic—Just Sing! 

My, it’s been a long dry spell for my 39 and Holding Club redheaded stepchild. That’s what I call this blog (actually, the whole site needs an overhaul), as it always seems to be last on my list of tasks. It’s shunned and alone, until I can find the time for eloquent words to share about the fun of aging. That’s forgetting of course, that you don’t “find” time—you make time. Got it.  

For anyone offended by the “redheaded stepchild” reference—seriously? Though not a stepchild, I am a redhead and if I was being mean-spirited in context … but I’m not … that would be different. As far as the redhead-now-going-gray, I know how to laugh at myself. Many seem to have forgotten how to do that. 

All that said, let’s get on with having fun, at any age, shall we? Are you facing “39 and Holding” for the first time or the twentieth? No matter … we remind you, you’re only as old as you feel* (at any given moment).  At the New Year I generally welcome a new generation of 39ers, and sorry to have missed that this year—even December 2022 was kinda sketchy.  

So, WELCOME everyone born in 1984—this is YOUR year to realize (if you haven’t already)—age is truly subjective. It is just a number, not who you are. With that in mind … 

֎ Celebrating MARCH 39ers ~ And More!  
Ideally, you’d be reading this on March 1st or shortly after … but we don’t live in a perfect world … so here we are even past the middle of the month. I’m still including earlier special days of the month just for reference, but still to come are this month’s New Moon (March 21st) and American Crossword Puzzle Days (March 31st-April 2nd).

However, what I am most frustrated about is not being able to give March 22nd its proper due. Why? Read on …

It’s Music in Our Schools Month and I can’t stress enough how music relieves stress whether you ever make a living from it or not. Goodness knows, our kids need stress-relievers right about now. The National Association for Music Education will steer you in the right direction; contact them to learn how to help your local schools establish or re-establish a music program. Get your children interested in music—it truly does soothe the savage beast …

March 7th: was full of Full Moon Magic. Yes, at this writing, it’s well past March’s Full Moon, but you can’t worm your way out of its month-long effects … The Full Worm Moon is alive and well! It’s true, the little squirmy things emerge from tree bark about this time to welcome Spring. A couple less slimy names for our March Moon in Native form are, the Eagle Moon (Cree) and Wind Strong Moon (Pueblo) which certainly captures March’s blustery attitude.

March 15th: As a 39er, you may have been called an “old buzzard”—sorry we missed this one: Buzzards Day. Go ahead, add it to your calendar for 2024! Are you an “old buzzard”? Well, you can celebrate yourself on this day (next year)—AND—yep, real turkey buzzards come home to roost on this day in Hinkley, Ohio! My go-to calendar site, Brownielocks loves this day and offers a brief history of how it came to be. Do you know buzzards live up to twenty years? Just too fun.

March 17th: Faith and begorrah, of course it was St. Patrick’s Day! As you’ve often known me to say—there are a few events in the year that may be celebrated on “the day,” but I generally extend them through the whole month—St. Patrick’s Day is one of them—so let’s just keep the party going! And it helps that March is the month of Spring, which begs more green. And that leads me into …

March 20th: Spring “began”! Even if it’s gloomy and cold in your neck of the woods, the equinox gives us an inner warmth knowing Spring is just around the corner …  

March 21st: Use New Moon Musings to soften March’s New Beginnings with wit and creativity, which if they haven’t appeared already, will be many. Take heart, as you take each new step with dignity and confidence.

So, speaking of new beginnings, if you’re just beginning your 39er adventures or celebrating again, we take you to …  

March 22nd: It’s “39 and Holding DAY”! YES last year I created this day for the calendars, on which all 39ers can celebrate a day together—regardless of when your birthday is, when you reached the magic marker of life, or how many you’ve had since! Enjoy this day of 39er camaraderie.

       In 2022 I had BIG plans for this year’s 39er celebration … obviously that didn’t work out. Undaunted, I will aim for a 2024 blast. For now, feel free to join me, and/or create your own, local celebration of 39ers! Don't forget to take a tour around the 39AHC site, and especially today’s page, which will give you more history on us, fun info about the day and its connection to funnyman extraordinaire, Jack Benny, and the “As Young as You Feel” movie! (Hints: It’s all about an “old buzzard” who’s company forced him to retire at 65 years old. And look for the “bit part” played by up-and-coming starlet, Marilyn Monroe!) Which leads us to …

*March 22nd: As Young as You Feel Day! It’s true—we tied this day to our own 39AHC Day! It’s on the

calendars without an official link, so we’re just adding it to our rollicking day of delicious fun for all ages. I’ll warn you though, the movie of the same name is typical 1950s fare—full of what once was female angst in a male-dominated world. I don't care what the thought-police say, you can’t erase history—and much of it now, is great fodder for laughing at ourselves and enjoying how far we’ve progressed, despite protests of the opposite.

March 31st-April 2nd: Oh glory be for puzzle people! Make sure your pen is filled with ink and head into American Crossword Puzzle Days. It’s no secret 39ers love crosswords, but these head-noodling mainstays of newspapers and puzzle books, is celebrating The 45th Annual American Crossword Puzzle Tournament. The venerable contest is reveling in its stature as the nation’s oldest and largest crossword competition, with Host and Puzzlemaster Will Shortz, crossword puzzle editor for New York Times.  

֎ Monthly Song of Note  
In honor of Music in Our Schools Month, I chose #17 on KSTN/Stockton’s radio Top 40 survey for March 1973

… “Sing” by The Carpenters. It just makes you want to hum, tap your toes, or belt it out like no one is listening (the linked version has lyrics!). Enjoy the simple pleasures that music brings your soul while you peruse ... more tuneful tidbits to manifest your memories of 1973, and/or just keepin’ the Rock Rockin’ from 50 Years Ago this Month!  

֎ For 39ers who Follow the Stars   
Well, since I’m not posting this until March 21st, suffice it to say, Pisces 39ers (Feb 19-Mar 20), you already know how your month is going and not much will change in the next couple of weeks. Love has taken a front seat in March as you reconnect with your mate, or feel the pull of amour, if single. You’ve also been a sensitive and loving friend all month; keep up the good work!
        Aries 39ers (Mar 21-April 19) have been marching to their own beat since birth and this month is no different, albeit a bit more in a straight line … straight to a new job and/or a new love! Or, simply a new way of looking at them. Your choice. Either way, it’s one of those “better in the long run” decisions. So tread lightly. All-in-all, when Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time in more than two hundred years (March 23-June 11), we’ll all feel the urge to focus on our friends, the ways of the world, and a concern for how we can help. Be alert.

֎ Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
There is one element of life that knows no boundaries, holds no prejudices, and cares not about age. Music is magic … find your favorite and play, dance, sing, or simply close your eyes and enjoy.  ~ L. Rochelle 

Sláinte! Happy UN-Birthday 39ers ~ MARCH 2023! 
       This one’s for you, kids – Steven, Pat (IM), Susan and Jim (IM)!

Join the 39 & Holding Club!
Celebrate 39 & Holding Day!
Chat on Twitter: 


And dear readers, I just want you to know that I try my best to create an informative, aesthetically creative article for you each month. However, Blogger is not a professional hosting site—but they’re free through Google. So we’re stuck with their crummy platform that doesn’t work well to manipulate images with writing. Trust me, I’ve tried for years to write articles without gaps between paragraphs and even between sentences. Sigh. Maybe I’ll win the lottery and be able to afford a professional hosting site someday. Cheers!

LinDee Rochelle is a writer and editor by trade, and author by way of Rock & Roll. She has published two books (of three) in her Blast from Your Past series, available on Amazon (eBook and print): Book 1Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The First Five Years 1954-1959; and Book 2Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The Swinging Sixties. Coming soon … The Psychedelic Seventies!

*Important Message: Any data, links, or opinions in this site are for your information only and does not constitute legal or medical expertise of any kind. My proficiency is writing and sensible reporting. Period. Please use all data, links, or my skewed opinions at your own risk.

Are you a 39er this month? Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!

<><><>39ers RULE<><><>



Sunday, January 1, 2023

39ers Aging with ATTitude Platitude January 2023

LR NOTE ~ New Year’s Day 2023: Well, 39ers, all I can do is apologize ... and yet, I am happy. My plan was first, to finish the December article for you, but last week, I admitted that wouldn’t happen. So next, I planned to be ready for the New Year with a spectacular article that would lead into another year of discovery and fun, in the life and times of 39ers who would enjoy encouragement and camaraderie, for 1973. Yet, here I am ... 

Have you heard the old adage, “The best laid plans of mice and men”—to which I add, and women trying to accomplish something—often go awry? Well, December found me gasping for deep breaths as my life took a major twist from which I am still reeling. All good, though.

At our “age of a different color,” we’ve been through enough life to know it often goes awry or at least, sideways. So please, come back towards the end of next week. We’ll chat about Capricorn and Aquarius to start the month, and so much more. I’ll strive to have more wit and wonky wisdom to lighten your day, if not your load.

Happy New Year!