Thursday, October 5, 2017

Happy UN-Birthday October 39ers

October 39ers Spice up the Party! 

Look no further than a fun-loving but seriously intelligent October 39er to spice up your birthday or Halloween party. You won’t be disappointed and you just might learn a thing or two.

Yes, with October, we’re nearing the end of another year. Don’t despair 39ers, or retreat into a funk. Remember, as we elders used to say, “Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries…

OK, I always hated that line, but I’ve learned what you can do with the pits in October! Rub ‘em with olive oil, throw them into a bowl covered with a black cloth—then tell your Halloween party guests to stick their hand into the bowl of witches’ eyeballs for great luck in the New Year! “Come here, my little pretty …”

39 Years Ago this Month ~ October 1978                   
October 14: Are you a microbrew beer fan? You owe your allegiance to former president, Jimmy Carter! It was this month in 1978 that with a flourish (and who knows, maybe even with a stein at his elbow), he signed into law (taking effect in 1979) the bill that allowed homebrewing of beer in the U.S. Bathtub beer has only gotten better in 39 years!
October 25: What better way to celebrate Halloween than with a movie that made a star of original “scream queen,” Jamie Lee Curtis? Yup, Halloween the movie (and long franchise), debuted this day 39 years ago … look for another one for 2018’s Halloween!

For 39ers who Follow the Stars   
October UN-birthday stars, Libra and Scorpio, seem on the surface, to be complete opposites … you would think Libra’s (09/23 – 10/22) gentle sense of balance and order would clash with Scorpio’s (10/23 – 11/21) intense and pulsing passion. Au contraire, mon cher. They thrive on each other’s qualities with nearly matching high intellects that spark some wild-n-crazy conversations!
Libra: Getting past the first two weeks of rough-and-tumble October may be tough; but ride it out to a productive end of the month that may have you changing your life focus by Halloween. Let the Holiday parties begin!
Scorpio: Scorps don’t get off scot-free in early October, either. It seems the Full Moon is forcing us all to let go of something. Don’t be afraid. Just do it. And take heart, by mid-October, with a clearer mind, you just might be able to take advantage of a rare smooth road to success.

Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art.
~ Eleanor Roosevelt (1884 – 1962) former first lady; politician, diplomat, and activist in her own right.

Great cheese and wine need aging, but for 39ersAge is a number … LIFE is ATT-i-tude!TM 
The Wordy Witch of the West

Happy UN-Birthday OCTOBER 39ers,
(This one’s for you, kids – 39AHC UN-Birthday 39ers: Ron, Darlene, Cheryl, Kim, Tammy & Terry!)

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Sunday, September 10, 2017

Happy UN-Birthday September 39ers

39ers Soar Through September

Shhhhhh, don’t tell anyone … but it’s only three months until Christmas! Argh!

In September, we dutifully succumb to The Season. Kids of all ages return to school, starting it off with a flurry. From now through end of the year, there is a key activity or holiday that punctuates every month. It goes like this:

September – Major buying month, even if you aren’t of school age, because hey, the sales are great! And admit it—you’re already subconsciously “checking your list.”
October – Owwwwooooo! Don’t let the goblins get ya as we gear up for Halloween magic and madness.
November – Be thankful for everything you have, have had, or will have. Or, just be grateful you made it to another Thanksgiving and honor the memories of those you love, who didn’t.
December – Well, we’ve failed to make this once-reverently festive month “politically correct” so I say, do what makes you feel good. Whether you’re Christian, on which Christmas is based, or celebrate for other reasons, it should be a Season of charity toward all, as we plunge head-long into the New Year.

The Season begins mildly enough with September. Did I say mildly? Ha. I’ve already been accosted by three September 39ers loudly lamenting their advancing ages. 

First of all, none of them are as old as I am. So shut up. Secondly, what are we all about here? So, shut up AND remember, you’re only 39 AND HOLDING! Pat yourself on the back and raise a glass for making it to another year as you peruse the rest of the month’s fun for ya-all …

39 Years Ago this Month ~ September 1978               
Keeping you young, and thinking back to your youth … as all good things must end, The Carol Burnett Show (CBS 1967–1978) wound up its final (11th) year with a poignant, yet hilarious-as-always show.

Do you remember Carol Burnett? You’ll surely recall the family friendly show with regulars, Vicki Lawrence, Lyle Waggoner, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and a continuous string of famous irregulars. Are you smiling yet?

If you have never seen her earlier shows … give yourself a birthday treat and check out a few YouTube offerings. They may be shows of yesteryear, but their topics are as relevant today as ever.

In her heyday, Carol (now a vivacious 84) was the queen of slapstick comedy, yet she always brought an element of humanity to her show, encouraging us to be better people. Want to see for yourself?

The Carol Burnett 50th Anniversary Special will air Sunday, December 3, 2017, at 8 p.m. on CBS. “I’m so glad we had this time together …” and with a little tug of her left ear, “So long …”

For 39ers who Follow the Stars   
The Zodiac realm celebrates Virgo’s perfectionism and Libra’s gentle sense of balance, both formidable and lovable … fairly parallel to the Holidays, don’t you think?

Before we charge headfirst into turkey legs and mistletoe, this month is a great time to reflect on the past eight months … or the last eight years … or all the Septembers of your life … not only for our own 39ers, but consider it practice for everyone’s New Year’s resolutions. This is your last chance to give the present an overhaul, before it becomes the past, and portends your future.
Then … let’s PAR-tay!

Ever wonder why so many September 39ers love blue? With the sapphire as their gemstone, what could be more natural? Although ... "sapphires" do come in other colors. Feel special, September 39ers – make it a day, weekend, or whole month filled with balloons and Morning Glories.

Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
If someone tells you that you cannot do something and you believe it, they are right. [So true at any age ...]
            ~ Carol Burnett; famous funny-woman and entertainer extraordinaire.

Great cheese and wine need aging, but for 39ersAge is a number … LIFE is ATT-i-tude!TM 

Happy UN-Birthday SEPTEMBER 39ers,
(This one’s for you, kids – 39AHC UN-Birthday 39ers, Scott, Verne, Chad, Thomas, Jennifer, Karen & Barb!)

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