Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Happy UN-Birthday DECEMBER 39ers

December 39ers, For Old Time’s Sake*  

Dang … December’s going by before I can even catch my breath from the Thanksgiving feasting. Stop! Let’s not sing Auld Lang Syne just yet. First we need to celebrate December 39ers!

39 Years Ago this Month ~ December 1977 
December 1 – Were you watching the debut of Nickelodeon when it launched as The Pinwheel Network? Do you recall there were NO ads until 1984? Ah, the good ol’ days!
December 11 – The new Tampa Bay Buccaneers didn’t log their first season-game win until thirteen weeks into their second season when they beat the New Orleans Saints (after twenty-six losses). Saints’ head coach, Hank Stram, lost his job after the game.
December 14 – But here’s the milestone you’ve been waiting for since November! Before there was Dirty Dancing (1987) or Dancing with the Stars (2005), there was John Travolta swaggering and dancing into our fantasies and movie history with Saturday Night Fever! The Bee Gees gave him rhythm and by New Year’s Eve 1977 we weren’t singing Auld Lang Syne, baby! We ushered in the New Year warbling, “Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother |You're Stayin' Alive … ah, ah, ah! ♪

For 39ers who Follow the Stars
While we’re all scrambling to wind up the year, poor December birthday babes are often left in the dust of Holiday shopping and New Year’s plans. Awwwww, poor leftover Sags and ignored newborn Caps!

Take heart December 39ers—we love ya! Let’s party hearty right now!

Just like a riff from Billy Gibbons’ Rockin’ guitar, Sagittarius crashes with an explosive crescendo into the month that marks an exciting, definitive year-end, and leads into the promising New Year's beginning, with Capricorn.

In this month dominated by red and green, Sagittarius and Capricorn stride regally to the beat of a different drum in shades of purple, offset by glowing turquoise, December’s gemstone symbol of good fortune and success. Excellent mojo for the coming New Year. 
Keep Moving 39ers!
Billy, of ZZ Top fame, is reportedly 66 on December 16—though there’s confusion that rather than a Sag he could be a Pisces from March 4. And that’s from Billy’s very own website, so who really knows? But he isn’t the only famous December 39er!

Dick Van Dyke soft shoes his way into his 91st year (Dec. 13) as a Sag, and Ryan Seacrest jumps to 42, celebrating Capricorn style with Santa on Christmas Eve.

Christmas Day we peek under the tree and unwrap three of our fave Caps: “Changes in Latitudes, Changes in ATT-I-TUDES”’ Jimmy Buffett at a spry 70, along with actress Sissy Spacek (67), and singer-songwriter Annie Lennox (62). Let’s Rock the Holidays!

December Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude 
You’re never too old to do goofy stuff! ~ Ward Cleaver, Leave it to Beaver TV show, 1957-1963. (Seriously, 39ers, a “throwback to cave man days.” 😉)

Happy UN-Birthday DECEMBER 39ers,
(Here’s lookin’ at you, kids – 39AHC Birthday 39ers, Linda, Patricia, Ken and Cuz Kev!)
Chat on Twitter: @39HoldingClub

*According to Wiki, “The song's Scots title may be translated into standard English as ‘old long since,’ or more idiomatically, ‘long long ago,’ ‘days gone by’ or ‘old times.’ Consequently, ‘For auld lang syne,’ as it appears in the first line of the chorus, might be loosely translated as ‘for (the sake of) old times.’”

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Saturday, November 12, 2016

Happy UN-Birthday NOVEMBER 39ers

November 39ers: Party and Plan with Purpose 

One thing that all 39ers—those who are Forever Young at heart—have in common, is optimism.

November is a great month for 39ers to usher in the Holiday Season, as it begins with deep-thinking Scorpio, and ends with the optimistic, party-hearty Sagittarians.

How can we not be optimistic, with shiny, festive Holiday ornaments and a brighter New Year on the horizon? [Anything beats the doom-and-gloom of the past months, as we struggled through an onerous election year!]

But finally, ‘tis the Season for fun and folly! Whether your birthday falls in November or December, we tend to treat both Holiday months as one big party. So is it any wonder that by January 1, we’re exhausted and ready to settle down, planning our goals and following our dreams?
For 39ers who Follow the Stars 

November 39ers have a special obligation to lead the way. From introspective Scorpions (Oct 23 – Nov 21) who provide the visions—and, by the way, are privileged with three (+) Zodiac phases of enlightenment/symbols: Scorpion, Eagle, and Phoenix—to the energetic, git-‘er-done and ambitious Sagittarians (Nov 22 – Dec 21), who will draw back their archer’s bow and make sure the New Year is on target. But in order to look forward, it is beneficial to review the past …

39 Years Ago this Month ~ November 1977 
In the early weeks of the month, we danced in the streets to the Bee Gees’ bestselling album/soundtrack for Saturday Night Fever, even though the movie wouldn't release until December 14. Look for John T. again, for December 39ers!

By the latter half of the month, we saw a historic meeting between Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israel’s Prime Minister Menachem Begin, to forge a permanent peace settlement. Define permanent. For that matter, someone needs to properly define Peace!

November 1977 also brought us a connection between three ARPANET nodes that ultimately lead the way to establishing the Internet protocol.

On the fun side, people were popping out of cakes, The Godfather (1972) topped Gone with the Wind (1939) as the most popular TV movie, and Rolling Stone…The10th Anniversary TV special celebrated the venerable magazine’s first decade—and I liked it better then, when it stuck to entertainment news.

In every generation, November is a month of thanks and humble gratefulness, as it leads into the world’s most compassionate season of the year.

This month, my dear November 39ers, be especially thankful for what you have—not the material world of things, but in your heartfelt world—family and friends, however many or few they may be. Each one, from the youngest to the optimistic 39ers, deserves your appreciation.


Happy UN-Birthday NOVEMBER 39ers,
(Here’s lookin’ at you, kids – 39AHC Birthday 39ers, JV, Jackie, and Moi!))

Share on Twitter: @39HoldingClub

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