Wrapping Up December, Can You See Clearly Now?
UN-Birthday? “Of a certain age”? Welcome 39ers & party on!
Normally, you’d be seeing a whole lot of fun stuff for December, like other great days of celebration, including Full Moon Magic, New Moon Musings, and a brief Zodiac paragraph for Sagittarians and Capricorns.
I did manage to put up Full Moon Magic (below) though ... and your Monthly Song of Note ♪! And why not stay awhile, enjoy the whole site? Lots of entertainment and encouragement to live your life with ATT-i-tude at any age!
Full Moon Magic
you felt the magic this year? It’s said that the Holiday Season is always a
time for magic to happen (at lease according to nostalgic Hallmark movies).
Whether you’ve felt a wand wave over you this year or not, every Full Moon is
still filled with magic possibilities. Ah—possibilities—that is the key word.
They magic won’t happen unless you’re open to it and help it along.
The further past your first 39 and
Holding UN-birthday, the more you can recognize magic when it comes along—give
yourself a magic Christmas that will carry you into the New Year.
֎ Monthly Song of Note ♪
Sigh—but as 39ers, we know life doesn’t always follow our script. We plan ... and love it when a plan comes together ... however many times it must be revised.
So, December’s 39er article is just not quite finished, as I find a way to juggle my plates. Please be patient a while longer. But have you explored November’s month of gratitude and fun yet? Please do and c’mon back soon to wrap up the year with us! Remember ... #AgeIsANumber … #LIFEIsATT-i-tude!
♪ I can see clearly now, the rain has gone | I can see all obstacles in my way ♪