Showing posts with label life is an attitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life is an attitude. Show all posts

Monday, December 5, 2022

39ers Aging with ATTitude Platitude December 2022

Wrapping Up December, Can You See Clearly Now?

Having a DECEMBER UN-Birthday? “Of a certain age”? Welcome 39ers & party on!

Normally, you’d be seeing a whole lot of fun stuff for December, like other great days of celebration, including Full Moon Magic, New Moon Musings, and a brief Zodiac paragraph for Sagittarians and Capricorns

I did manage to put up Full Moon Magic (below) though ... and your Monthly Song of Note ! And why not stay awhile, enjoy the whole site? Lots of entertainment and encouragement to live your life with ATT-i-tude at any age!

December 7th: Full Moon Magic   
Have you felt the magic this year? It’s said that the Holiday Season is always a time for magic to happen (at lease according to nostalgic Hallmark movies). Whether you’ve felt a wand wave over you this year or not, every Full Moon is still filled with magic possibilities. Ah—possibilities—that is the key word. They magic won’t happen unless you’re open to it and help it along.
The further past your first 39 and Holding UN-birthday, the more you can recognize magic when it comes along—give yourself a magic Christmas that will carry you into the New Year.

֎ Monthly Song of Note

More tuneful tidbits to manifest your memories of 1972, with "I Can See Clearly Now" a catchy tune perfect for year-end, by Johnny Nash. On KERN/Bakersfield, California, 12/01/72 music chart! Just keepin’ the Rock Rockin’ from 50 Years Ago this Month 'til we can get the full month of fun posted!   

Sigh—but as 39ers, we know life doesn’t always follow our script. We plan ... and love it when a plan comes together ... however many times it must be revised.

So, December’s 39er article is just not quite finished, as I find a way to juggle my plates. Please be patient a while longer. But have you explored November’s month of gratitude and fun yet? Please do and c’mon back soon to wrap up the year with us! Remember ... #AgeIsANumber … #LIFEIsATT-i-tude!

I can see clearly now, the rain has gone | I can see all obstacles in my way  



Thursday, July 8, 2021

Happy UN-Birthday 39ers JULY 2021

 July 39ers Set Sail for Holiday Sales! 

Happy UN-Birthday JULY 39ers! We all may not want Christmas IN July (like the Hallmark Channel) but we can certainly shop in July FOR Christmas. Seriously. I know people doing that already. You may think they’ve been brainwashed, but there could be a method to their age-old madness.

It used to be only grandmas and the hyper-organized folks who shopped for the Holidays in summer, but this year, especially, it’s the smart shopper who gets the early Holiday worm. And if we 39ers have learned anything over the years, it’s how to shop! Openopenopen … (Who recalls that iconic Mervyn’s ad?)

Celebrating JULY 39ers ~ And More!
It’s all over the news how independent retail shops have suffered terribly through covid. Those that made it, still need our business, and there may be some great sales to be had ahead of the Holidays. What better time, too, to show our appreciation for small, local businesses than with July’s
Independent Retailer Month?

Great way to start is with your local liquor and book stores! After shopping, drink in hand, settle down with a good paperback book, and enjoy …

July 10th: Pineapple lovers unite … it’s Piña Colada Day! Like many great cocktails, its true origin is obscure and claimed by numerous. Most stories link it to Puerto Rico where it's their official drink, and agree on the basic recipe. The IBA’s is listed as white rum, coconut cream (or milk) and pineapple juice. However it came to us, cheers 39ers! I vote for the Piña Colada to be Summer's official drink, how about you?  (Its tribute link is to an informative Wiki page, but this one is way more fun!) 

July 30th: It may be Paperback Book Day but since there is no official link for it, I must give kudos to Kensington Book Publishing for the most innovative way of linking it to Piña Colada Day! While none of the five titles featured include a Piña Colada, they all are murder mysteries with a whiff of alcohol … wine, Kentucky moonshine, beer … are spirited stars of the stories, with other cocktail chasers. Good job!
We authors have Penguin Publishing to thank since 1935, for the inception of mass-producing books in the popular softcover editions we’re all now so invested in. Grab your Piña Colada and Rock On!  

For 39ers who Follow the Stars
This month, the Zodiac regales us with two of the most sensitive and compassionate signs in the sky. Thank your lucky stars if a
Cancer (June 21-July 22) or Leo (July 23-August 22) UN-birthday 39er, is in your life.
       Your Cancerian friend may be slightly reclusive, but is likely the gentlest in your close circle. You point out that your crab pal can certainly be crabby, and that’s true. You also know, however, that their depth of caring for you is as profound as the ocean from where they originated. Be gentle when you ask them not to sink the ship of someone trying to get close to you. They respond best to quiet logic and sincerity.
       Leo, on the other side of the July star coin, is also protective and loyal, in a more vocal way. One thing for sure, you’ll always know where you stand with them. They may roar to the extreme, at times, but always out of love. Allowing a cool-down moment can be effective and constructive for both of you. Mention a party and your leonine friend will purr-k right up!
July 39er gift idea: While many of us consider birthstones by month, some gemstone experts prefer their jewels by Zodiac sign. The deep-red
ruby is perfect for your Cancer 39ers’ UN-birthday gift of passion, and the lucky Leo who receives a spiritual black onyx will delight in its mystery.

Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude 
Shopping becomes easier “at a certain age,” when you realize your opinion is the only one that matters. 
~ L. Rochelle 

Cheers to your Happy UN-Birthday JULY 39ers!    
       This one’s for you, kids – Gary (IM*), John (IM*), Yvonne, Ed, Nancy Louise (IM*), Marilyn, Pat, Joyce, and Susan. (*In Memorium)

Join the 39 & Holding Club!
Chat on Twitter: @39HoldingClub


*Important Legal Message: Any data, links, or opinions in this site are for your information only and does not constitute legal or medical expertise of any kind. My expertise is writing and sensible reporting. Period. Please use all data, links, or my skewed opinions at your own risk.

Are you a 39er this month? Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!

LinDee Rochelle is a writer and editor by trade, and author by way of Rock & Roll. She has published two books (of three) in her Blast from Your Past series, available on Amazon (eBook and print): Book 1Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The First Five Years 1954-1959; and Book 2Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The Swinging Sixties. Coming soon … The Psychedelic Seventies!
