Win a DVD of 1951’s comedy As Young As You Feel!
would you want to? Because Norma Jean Mortenson – aka Marilyn Monroe – boosted her burgeoning career with this
little-known film. And Sunday is "As Young As You Feel Day"!

must respond specifically to ONE of my tweets (they’ll be listed in my
Favorites so you can access them any time) – which obviously means your words
of wisdom are restricted to 140 characters or less. You can also respond on
Facebook – same character rule applies. (Yes, I’ll check it!)
as often as you like. Please be inspiring, kind and witty … retweets await the
best and posted on this site …
blasphemous tweets will be deleted (and if you follow me – unfollowing
follows!). This is all in FUN, but a flippant reply most likely won't be victorious.
are no right or wrong answers – only your ATT-I-TUDE and wit will be
considered. One winner – will receive notification on Tue., March 24th
in a PM, and in a congratulatory tweet and Facebook post. Spread the word,
reply to the tweet(s), and good luck!
No, I can’t be bought – and I’m excruciatingly NOT partial to my friends’ and
relatives’ responses, however much I love them. :-) ]
Never heard of the movie? Let me introduce you …
*DVD of As Young as You Feel is new and sealed. Estimated $17.00 value. Shipped free domestically only. Enjoy!