New Year ~ Look Back but don’t GO Back

39 is the magic
number here at 39AHC. 1979 proved a banner year 39 Years Ago This Month, with the
average cost
of a new home roughly $72,000, and the annual income to purchase
it at $17,500.
Hmmm, many wages don’t even make that mark now. There are still states where minimum wages are less than $10 per hour ($19,200/year)!

Looking backward is one thing … going backward is quite unacceptable.(Well, unless you're time traveling.)
So 39ers, if no
others, let’s make one resolution
this New Year. No going back. Make everything you do about moving forward to
improve your life. Believe in yourself
and trust your instincts.
In the meantime, we will continue making fun of our music
and styles of 1979—even if “You Don’t
Bring Me Flowers”! (Barbara Streisand and Neil Diamond hit #7 on L.A.’s KHJ chart, January 9, 1979.)
39 Years Ago
this Month ~ January 1979
when Disco Duck was wearing thin and we couldn’t wait to move on? A New York musical
group put the brakes on our move away from Disco when they forgot Halloween
wasn’t ‘til October.

January 6th: “Y.M.C.A.”—like many novelty
songs, blasted its way to the top of charts, and lasted way beyond its prime. “Y.M.C.A.”
beat out the Streisand/Diamond song, hitting #3 on KHJ’s Top Thirty chart.
January 13th: It didn’t make everyone joyful,
though. “The” YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association) was not amused. At least
not at first. The organization filed a libel suit against The Village People’s
song, but eventually saw the benefits of its association, and life goes on.
January 26th: Television was not immune
to cute and corny. Into our lives roared General Lee, a 1969 Dodge Charger,
with The Dukes of
Hazzard in tow. The CBS show
that countrified short-shorts left the guys drooling over Daisy, while women
swooned over the sculpted bods of Bo and Luke. Talk about high octane! "Yeeeee-Haaa"!
For 39ers who
Follow the Stars
UN-Birthday January 39ers!
Let’s get back to earth with comfortable Capricorns leading us into the New Year ( Dec 22-Jan 19; like 39AHC birthday gal, Erin, right). Determined
and focused, they point us in the right direction after we’ve picked up the
party plates.

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18) is there to
brighten our horizons when we threaten to slide into mid-month, post-Holiday
doldrums. Intellectually stimulating with a flair for fun, Aquarius adds sunshine to our dark, stormy winter days. Don’t
forget the hot buttered rum … yum!
Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
May all your troubles last as long as
your New Year's resolutions.
~ Arnold
Glasow (1905–1998; US businessman, author, Glasow's
Gloombusters, published at the age of 92.
LIFE is ATT-i-tude!TM