Happy UN-Birthday 2018!

Welcome 39ers!, We UN-do birthdays here. So let’s UNwrap another year, and enjoy at least ONE day of non-stop fun. OK, well, I generally party my whole birthday month away, but maybe that's just me.

Birthdays are important. Not because we're a year older—it’s simply a great day to reflect, rejoice, and rejuvenate. Join us at 39 and Holding where we’re forever young—with ATT-i-tude!

Let's explore your UN-birthday DECEMBER 2018 ...

 ‘Tis the Season to be Jolly!

Here it is, another year end and as usual, 39ers, we’re left scratching our heads, wondering how the other eleven months managed to slip by so quickly.

For some, December brings another UN-birthday that often takes back stage to all the Holiday parties and hoopla. So birthday 39ers, it’s time for you to grab your limelight and deck the halls. Tip: Create a birthday/holiday combo event. Put the party focus on the birthday guy or gal, as the celebrated Elf guest of honor!

39er Fitness and Fun
There are two kinds of people during the Holidays. Yup. Just two. Those who vow not to partake of the volumes of yummy goodies, trying desperately to wear blinders and declare December diet month, and those who don’t give a damn, plying everyone within arm’s length with Irish Cream brownies, rum cake, and a mountain of whip cream on homemade apple pie. Sigh.

What can you do if you edge off the healthy vittles for an Eggnog Mousse Snowman? Exercise! Even a ten-minute walk a couple times a day will help melt away those decadent dessert drink pounds. On your return, make notes for a healthy 2019 nutrition regimen. 

Before we look to the January diet jump-starters, let’s wallow in the warm aroma of oven-fresh sugar cookies and remember …

39 Years Ago this Month ~ DECEMBER 1979
Grease hit it big in June 1978 and still dominated the retail Holiday gift-giving more than a year later. But the first week of December 1979, another movie blasted Grease off the grid into outer space …
December 7th: The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) truly began its journey to explore where no man (or woman) had gone before. It ventured out from a little boob tube into a vast world premiere of Star Trek: The Motion Picture where it certainly outlived its five-year mission.

            After ten years (the television show ended in 1969), we watched the same small-screen cast come to life in the theaters. Familiar, yes, but the movie added outer dimensions and great new catch-phrases, like “Beam us up, Scotty.” By the way, would you want your bodily DNA whisked through space by a fellow who asks, “When are ya gonna get off of that milk diet Laddy? Now Scotch is a real drink for a man.” Heehee.

For 39ers who Follow the Stars 
Infamous for spotting opportunities and eternally seeking new ideas, Sagittarian 39ers (11/22-12/21) are the perfect lead-in to the last month of the year. Their adventurous and vivacious personality will guide you through the best parties and festivities of the season. The hard part for the rest of us, is getting them to slow down long enough to enjoy it.

The second half of the month, destination-minded Capricorn (12/22-01/19) takes 2018’s leftover goals and Sag’s flashy new concepts, to fashion a great new 2019 beginning—the perfect team! Caps need you, however, to remind them to lighten up once in a while and appreciate the fruits of their labors.

December’s turquoise gemstone is a symbol of good fortune and success, polished bright for your New Year.

The New Year promises to be … exactly what we make of it. Want to be sad and miserable? There is certainly enough wretchedness around us to help promote your gloom. Choose to be happy and nurturing for yourself and others? Yes … it’s a choice. There is also much in this world to encourage your joy, year-round. Make 2019 your year of cheerfulness and content.

Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude  
When you’re 39 and Holdingagain … it’s another opportunity for a new beginning. Don’t start over. Just take a deep breath and start again.
~ LinDee Rochelle; 39 and Holding Club founder.
Great cheese and wine need aging, but 39ers know Age is Just a Number … LIFE is ATT-i-tude!TM  

Happy UN-Birthday DECEMBER 39ers,
(This one’s for you, kids – 39AHC UN-Birthday 39ers: Linda, Patricia, Ken, Kevin)

Chat on Twitter: @39HoldingClub

Are you a 39er this month? Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!

LinDee Rochelle is a writer and editor by trade, and an author by way of Rock & Roll. She has published two books (of three) in her Blast from Your Past series, available on Amazon (eBook and print): Book 1Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The First Five Years 1954-1959; and Book 2Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The Swinging Sixties. Coming soon, … The Psychedelic Seventies!


November 2018 ~ Attitude, Gratitude, and a Rose 

Hey, November 39ers, feeling blue with another birthday this month? You know they come every year. The trick is to listen to your mind, which invariably thinks you’re younger than your body-age.

That’s why we choose to be 39 and Holding every year! You’re old enough to have learned some valuable lessons, and young enough to keep that spring in your step! So let’s celebrate with another UN-birthday month!

39er Fitness and Fun
Welcome to November, 39ers … the month of the year when we feel gratitude for simply being here. Sound like a Pollyanna attitude? Absolutely. But an attitude of gratitude this month and every day is a step towards more than accomplishing goals—it’s a necessity for wellness inside and out.

Says the Mayo Clinic, “… effective stress management is associated with many health benefits. If you tend to be pessimistic, don't despair — you can learn positive thinking skills.” Do it.

39 Years Ago this Month ~ NOVEMBER 1979
November 9th: It isn’t often a screen debut results in an Oscar nomination. While The Rose may have been loosely based on Janis Joplin, Bette Midler owned the audience in her first major film role. Which of course, didn’t hurt her singing career, as the title track burst into the top ten at KFRC/San Francisco and around the nation, in the early summer of 1979, to become one of her signature hits.

November 26th: Every wonder when we stopped Rockin’ ‘round the clock? Figuratively speaking, I can tell you, it was on this day in a command appearance for Queen Elizabeth II. It became Bill Haley & His Comets' final recorded performance of the infamous song, “Rock Around the Clock.” Tick tock.

For 39ers who Follow the Stars
Though Scorpions may be a mystery to many, those who work to discover the key to these enigmatic people will witness the magic within. Friendly but introspective and creatively planning Scorpios (Oct 23 – Nov 21) will figure you out in a heartbeat, but it may take years (if ever) for you to get where they’re coming from. Your honesty and integrity will help.

On the other end of the Astrology spectrum, meet an energetic, lead-follow-or-move-out-of-the-way, ambitious Sagittarian (Nov 22 – Dec 21), and life will be much easier, albeit very busy. They often have a larger-than-life presence (think Jupiter—their ruling planet) and can’t wait to get to the next adventure. Always spoiling for a party, it’s a good bet they’re already ensuring New Year festivities are on target.

With the power of three (+) Zodiac  enlightenment symbols to draw from: Scorpion, Eagle, and Phoenix—Scorpios are naturals at coordinating elements of life; though implementing may prove a tougher challenge. Sagittarians, however are focused as they take aim and hone in on the horizon. Charge!

Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
What you do from this day forward is a result of your attitude about what went before and the anticipation of what awaits you. Love it—live it. ~ L. Rochelle; founder 39 and Holding Club, Blast from Your Past, and Penchant for Penning.
Great cheese and wine need aging, but 39ers know Age is Just a Number … LIFE is ATT-i-tude!TM 

Happy UN-Birthday NOVEMBER 39ers,
(This one’s for you, kids – 39AHC UN-Birthday 39ers: JV,  LinDee, Jackie)

Chat on Twitter: @39HoldingClub

Are you a 39er this month? Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!

LinDee Rochelle is a writer and editor by trade, and an author by way of Rock & Roll. She has published two books (of three) in her Blast from Your Past series, available on Amazon (eBook and print): Book 1Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The First Five Years 1954-1959; and Book 2Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The Swinging Sixties. Coming soon, … The Psychedelic Seventies!


October 2018 ~ Mind Over Body-snatchers & Halloween!

I’m not just late with this article’s post, it’s positively negligently tardy!! Well, I didn’t truly neglect you and 39AHC, I simply had to employ mind over matter, or rather … body … to prove ATT-i-tude is everything, as our bodies age but our minds continue to actively engage.

Although our minds can be quick as a bunny, our bodies can fail to hold the energy charge—something that was admirably demonstrated to the hilt by Stephen Hawking.

Though I thought I was indestructible, apparently, I’m human after all. Let’s go off-track a little this month to first chat about your health … mind over body.*

Fortunately, my body issue is temporary and mendable. At the beginning of the month, I endured a full hip replacement. I know, I know, it’s done every day and not considered a big deal for those over sixty. However, it is major surgery, the likes of which I haven’t been exposed to in thirty years. So, yeah, it’s a big deal!

And my, how things have changed. My insurance / doctor gave me the option to have “same day surgery.” Say what?! Yes, I know I told you this is major surgery … but if you’re reasonably healthy without debilitating, underlying conditions, you can apparently qualify to be operated on in the morning and out before dinnertime!

Example: with a fortunate early check-in and a New Moon high in the sky, I arrived at 5:10a.m.; even with pre-surgery prep, surgery, and recovery room time, I was on my way home by 11:25a.m. Certainly not of “sound mind,” but with a new, bionic hip and not a body-snatcher in sight.

If you’re facing something similar, my OCTOBER UN-birthday friends—use your mind-magic often reserved for yet another 39AHC birthday—to persevere and speed the healing process. Mind over body isn’t just a saying, it’s actually a recognized component for healing.

How to deal with mind over body … you are what is in your mind, spirit and soul. Your body is merely the host for your essence. While it is tough to take body deterioration at any age, the mind is a wonderful thing, and can lift you out of your body. Never forget that. It’s what keeps us young.

39er Fitness and Fun
Heading to the hospital soon for a knee or hip replacement? Prep your house and especially your specific recuperating room before you go. Your physician will likely provide basic tips, but really give it thought about how you’ll go through your day on a walker the first week (or longer), after which you should have your system down pat. Especially if you don’t have a full-time caregiver, cook, maid, go-fer …

My fun and functioning tips: If you will need a walker and don’t want the added expense of a specially fitted basket for a one-time use product, get creative! Many walkers have handles on either side for its folding; stretch a large recyclable bag between the handles to carry stuff in!
            Do you drink coffee or tea daily? If you don’t already have one, get a hot/cold thermal carafe (like on your table in restaurants).

And now, let’s get on with the 39AHC UN-birthday party!

39 Years Ago this Month ~ OCTOBER 1979   

October 5th: It just takes one lucky break for an actor to be introduced to the world. Before this date in 1979 the name “Bo” could have been a guy or a gal for all we knew. Once the movie “10” hit the big screen, though, there was no mistaking gender of its star. Sexy Bo Derek hit the bigtime and everybody knew her name. Any wonder? Men desired her, and women wanted to be her.

October 10th: Though Joe Perry left Aerosmith this month in 1979, it turns out he just needed a break. He and former bandmate, Brad Whitford, returned to Aerosmith in 1984, and everything was right with the world again.
            In the meantime, well-established band Fleetwood Mac has a banner month, releasing a well-received Tusk studio album on the 12th AFTER plastering their star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame!

October 31st: No list of monthly items would be complete without a Halloween 1979 list of news stories! Now that’s scary …

For 39ers who Follow the Stars 
Two quick-witted star signs share the limelight this month. Libra (09/23 – 10/22) leads the month with a gentle sense of balance and order. Fortunately, they’re naturally gifted in patience, because it may prove to be a tough month for Librans. A little introspection could lead to a positive shift.

Since they share the month, Scorpio (10/23 – 11/21) also feels the negatives. In fact, this month, everything comes to a halt for Scorpio, while life feels a little discombobulated. But, “This sign is directly associated with the underworld, so they’re right at home in the darkest of places,” says Tarot.com. It’s okay to hide in the dark for much of the month, Scorp, but you’ll be feelin’ good again by Halloween night!

Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
Apropos for Halloween month: “Don’t live life like you’re already dead.
~ Tim Allen on Last Man Standing; aired 01/13/17.

Great cheese and wine need aging, but 39ers know Age is Just a Number … LIFE is ATT-i-tude!TM 

Happy UN-Birthday OCTOBER 39ers,
(This one’s for you, kids – 39AHC UN-Birthday 39ers: Ron, Darlene, Cheryl, Kim, Tammy, Lin, Terry, Laura! )
Chat on Twitter: @39HoldingClub

*PLEASE NOTE: None of the above is meant to be construed as medical advice. I am explaining personal experiences and offering links to support some theories. I will not personally or professionally accept any ethical or legal responsibility.

Are you a 39er this month? Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!

LinDee Rochelle is a writer and editor by trade, and an author by way of Rock & Roll. She has published two books (of three) in her Blast from Your Past series, available on Amazon (eBook and print): Book 1Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The First Five Years 1954-1959; and Book 2Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The Swinging Sixties. Coming soon, … The Psychedelic Seventies!


September 2018 ~ Milestone Birthday? 39ers Just Wanna Have Fun!

Another 39 and Holding “milestone” birthday looms on my near horizon, so in my inimitable way of dealing with it (or not), I’ve been rethinking the 39 and Holding Club and website.

As a “club,” it will likely stay as-is, with just a fun, laminated “official” card and a cheeky host of logo items for sale. We’re here to remind you that life at any age should be a humorous adventure, not to make a million bucks (though of course, I wouldn’t turn it down). Nor do we want to make you all weepy or worried about the vagaries of old age.

However, it’s been a little light on substance. The categories I’ve played with each month are fine, but I want 39 and Holding Club to offer insights and assistance to Aging with ATT-i-tude. Not just fluff.

There will still be nostalgic music and entertainment events in history, ‘cause … well … music simply makes people smile, and who doesn’t love being entertained?

To give it some perception and depth, a new category will serve as the monthly article lead-in …

👉NEW 39er Fitness and Fun
This article presumes you’ve been into weight training or some type of regular exercise. Uh-huh. Ok, well, if you are, the rules are changing. For instance:
“Old Rule: Stretch a few days a week (after exercise).
New Rule: Stretch after every workout, and then some.”
            Sound advice for whole body health by recognized experts, even if you are just thinking about exercising.

Getting funny bits from the funnies: Garfield turned the big 4-0 this year (June 19) and as he says, “Aging well is the best revenge.”

Turning 40 can be traumatic … if you let it. As one of my favorite go-to comic cats over the decades, Garfield has kept aging in perspective, since his inception in 1978. Do visit his delightful and insightful site!

I know I harp on Aging with ATT-i-tude like Garfield on steroids (!), but according to a molecular biologist and health psychologist, there is more to it than we know. In the article, The Secret of Aging and How to Slow It Down, you’ll learn how ATT-i-tude affects your molecular makeup. Love yourself and live longer, well.

39 Years Ago this Month ~ September 1979   
Californians especially, will wax nostalgic at the reminder 39 Years Ago, when the cost of a gallon of gas ran around 86 cents. Yup, it’s true! But then, the average cost of a car was only about $6,848—by 2016, it was $25,449 (and climbing)!

September: KDWB-FM/Minneapolis, Minnesota had enough of their ankle-biter Top 40 AM little sister, switching to album-oriented rock as "K101," which didn’t last long. By early 1980 it started a morphing run that ran the decade (and likely confused its listeners).

September 7: ESPN all-sports channel, the man cave’s reverent alter, hit the history books as the first cable TV channel to run on a 24-hour format. Marriages worldwide have not been the same since. You can thank out-of-work Bill Rasmussen (in 1978), and his son, Scott, ladies. Let the football season begin!

For 39ers who Follow the Stars 
Virgo (08/23-09/22) leads off the month and they’re in control! Listen up world, a Virgo mind is sharp and focused, but this month they dominate … home, business at least ‘til the 21st, while fleet-footed Mercury is stepping through their sign.
For Libra (09/23-10/22), breathe a sigh of relief, as everything gets back to normal (whatever that is) at home. You’ve been in upheaval, but according to the stars, even your finances will straighten themselves out. Enjoy your birthday!

Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
“Pain is mysterious, and having fun is the best way to forget it.”   ~ Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara (1911-2017); Japanese physician.  

Great cheese and wine need aging, but 39ers know Age is Just a Number … LIFE is ATT-i-tude!TM 

Happy UN-Birthday SEPTEMBER 39ers,
(This one’s for you, kids – 39AHC UN-Birthday 39ers: Barb, Karen, Jennifer, Thomas, Chad, Scott & Verne!)

Chat on Twitter: @39HoldingClub

Are you a 39er this month? Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!

LinDee Rochelle is a writer and editor by trade, and an author by way of Rock & Roll. She has published two books (of three) in her Blast from Your Past series, available on Amazon (eBook and print): Book 1Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The First Five Years 1954-1959; and Book 2Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The Swinging Sixties. Coming soon, … The Psychedelic Seventies!


AUGUST 1979 ~ Hot and Steamy Rock & Roll!
We’re breaking heat temperature records across the country this summer. It’s no wonder August is often known as the hottest month of the year.

While you’re seeking ways to thrive and survive, and celebrate 39er birthdays, enjoy reminiscing about …

39 Years Ago this Month ~ AUGUST 1979 
August 24th: Rock music cult film, Rock ‘n’ Roll High School featuring the Ramones, hit the streets
on this day. Do you know it could have been called Disco High (as a dirge for its demise?) or Heavy Metal Kids (a nod to its uptick in popularity)? Punk Rock prevailed …

August 25th: “’My Sharona’ by The Knack hits #1 on the Billboard charts.” So says Wiki. But super-competitive radio station, KFRC/San Francisco, jammed it to the top at least two weeks earlier. What made this simple tune so special? Sharona wasn’t that compelling, but apparently, we were tired of saccharin songs and disco. Sharona’s #1 status knocked them off the top for the first time in more than a year! It was enough to signal the coming resurgence of Rock and Heavy Metal.

August 25th: Castle recently ended its long run (2009-2016) on ABC as America’s “sweetheart” sleuth dramedy. But on this day 39 Years Ago, ABC debuted another adorable and cutesy series, Hart to Hart, starring Robert Wagner and Stefanie Powers. Jennifer Hart: “After all the trouble we’ve been through, you want to marry me?” Jonathan: “Well, I’m sure we won’t get into trouble on a weekly basis.” Romantically prophetic.

For 39ers who Follow the Stars
Got a summer party to make a splash at? Chances are you’ll meet one or two party-loving Leos (07/23-08/22), and look out for the impish Virgos (08/23-09/22)!

Don’t worry, you’ll be able to tell them apart. The boisterous Leos command attention in any gathering, even during our hot and steamy heatwaves. They make it easy for Virgos to sneak in while your head’s turned, and plant a big, wet (but refreshing) kiss on your cheek.

Also commanding attention in August is its statuesque birth month flower, the Gladiolus stalk, embodying its nickname of “sword lily.” August 39ers, hold your stance, and take your slice of summer fun to the hilt!

To cool off, peer into the depths of this month’s soothing green birthstone. It’s easy to believe stories of the Peridot’s magical powers and healing properties, as it mesmerizes with multi-layered cool, green facets.

Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
“Wrinkled was not one of the things I wanted to be when I grew up!”  ~ Anonymous
            [Hence, the booming business of wrinkle creams!]

Cheers to Senior Citizens Day August 21st!

Great cheese and wine need aging, but for 39ers Age is just a number … LIFE is ATT-i-tude!TM 

Happy UN-Birthday AUGUST 39ers,
(This one’s for you, kids – 39AHC UN-Birthday 39ers: Linda, Jim, Stephanie and Tanya!)
Chat on Twitter: @39HoldingClub


July 2018 - 39ers Live and Learn! 

At 39 years old, you’ve seen a bit of the world and learned a thing or too (hopefully). You’ve honed your right-or-wrong values and sharpened your skills to spot B.S. in most situations. However, when you’re 39 and Holding for a bunch more years, your perspectives continue to evolve, and you know there is so much more to learn …

39 Years Ago this Month ~ JULY 1979                        
July 14th: The best read you’ll have all month—then-President Jimmy Carter voiced his concerns about Americans’ lack of faith in the nation’s administration. “President Carter speaks to Americans about the "crisis of confidence" in American government, values, and way of life, as the public expresses doubt in a better future for their own children. Carter challenges citizens to unite and address the problems in America by first addressing the energy shortage.
            My takeaway from his speech? Mr. Carter said, “But after listening to the American people I
have been reminded again that all the legislation in the world can't fix what's wrong with America. … The threat is nearly invisible in ordinary ways. It is a crisis of confidence. It is a crisis that strikes at the very heart and soul and spirit of our national will. We can see this crisis in the growing doubt about the meaning of our own lives and in the loss of a unity of purpose for our Nation.” What have we learned in 39 years? Nothing.
            While you read through it, compare what Mr. Carter says, to today’s issues. Replace energy shortage with terrorism or rising rates on everything, or any number of other crises. Little has changed. They are much the same, just more acute. Although I don’t agree in the way Mr. Trump conducts his public persona, I do believe he is trying to affect much- needed changes. They were needed then. They are needed even more, now.
            One difference between then and now? We didn’t vilify the president for inadequacies. We worked with what we had, and we voted to make changes. But we still need to unify. “Whenever you have a chance, say something good about our country,” Mr. Carter said. Take heed, “United States of America”!

For 39ers who Follow the Stars
According to Wiki, until the 15th century, July’s birthstone was a turquoise/onyx duo. The royal red ruby didn’t come into favor until the 20th century. Which do you prefer? Whatever floats your boat.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) 39ers should enjoy the majestic qualities of whatever adorns them. Perhaps the ruby better fits their nature. Gleaming with hard brilliance on the outside, but you’ll find so much more, if you peer into its soft-hued interior. Get on a Cancerian’s good side, and you’ll never enjoy a more loyal friend.

If you rule life by the Zodiac though, the birthstone changes for the second half of the month. Leo’s (July 23-Aug 22) majesty rules with the mysterious and dramatic onyx. The powerful stone is the perfect pairing for Leo’s benevolent supremacy. Leos can love as big as the summer sun; sometimes with an ego to match. That’s the lion for you!

Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
Aging is letting go of who you were yesterday, coming to terms with who you are today, and planning how you will live better tomorrow.
      ~ L. Rochelle (Writer, editor, armchair philosopher, and your humble 39er hostess.)       
Great cheese and wine need aging, but for 39ers Age is just a number … LIFE is ATT-i-tude!TM 

Happy UN-Birthday JULY 39ers,
(This one’s for you, kids – 39AHC UN-Birthday 39ers: John 75!, Yvonne, Ed, Marilyn, Pat, Joyce, and Susan!)
Chat on Twitter: @39HoldingClub


JUNE 2018 - June Bugs & 39ers! 

39ers … are you celebrating your UN-birthday with friends and family in an outdoor party? Look out! Here come the June bugs!

Or is it a potato bug … or a green scarab … or … all three? Choose door number three and you win. It seems the squiggly brown or green beetle can be known as a June bug in many parts of the US but look different and have diverse scientific names. They are, however, all in the family.

Says entomologist, Chris Goforth, better known as The Dragonfly Woman, “My sister and I were playing with the beetles we called potato bugs (i.e., the little brown scarabs, my dad’s name for them) that were crawling on the window screen under the porch light and my mom slipped and called them June bugs and not potato bugs for the first time.  My sister and I were so confused!”

No confusion here. Whatever they’re called, ewww! On with the party …

39 Years Ago this Month ~ JUNE 1979
You may be 39 … again … but if you want to act like a kid again, don’t hold back! Go to Mickey-D’s for your favorite Happy Meal, rent The Muppet Movie, and never, never, ever, be afraid to fly above the clouds!

What am I talking about? Where were you 39 Years Ago this Month?!

June: McDonald's introduces the Happy Meal.
June 22nd: The Muppet Movie is released. Movin' right along | In search of good times and good news | With good friends you can't lose …”
June 25th: Snoopy aka the courageous World War I Flying Ace in his Sopwith Camel, quaked at flying too high. 39ers never quake. 😊 And we still love Snoopy anyway.
For 39ers who Follow the Stars
Geminis, before the Zodiac moves into mellower Cancer (06/20), close your eyes and channel your inner Twins for a mind-melding moment. It’s good for the soul.

Planning your party? Should be a snap for you, as Geminis are known for clever party options. Quick thinkers and inquisitive, there is always a reason to party hearty and they’ll invent festive ways to connect with friends and family.

On the 21st Cancer starts kicking sand in your enemies’ eyes, as we find the stalwart Cancer nursing party-goer headaches. The nurturing crustacean simply must protect and serve! It’s in their loyal and loving nature.

Though you may be crusty on the outside, to those you allow in, Cancer, you’ll always be a softy. It’s a good bet your parties are a little smaller, but they are always filled with your closest loved ones to help you celebrate.

Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
The most important thing I can tell you about aging is this: If you really feel that you want to have an off-the-shoulder blouse and some big beads and thong sandals and a dirndl skirt and a magnolia in your hair, do it. Even if you're wrinkled.
~ Maya Angelou (1928-2014; celebrated poet, singer, memoirist, and civil rights activist.)       
Great cheese and wine need aging, but for 39ers Age is just a number … LIFE is ATT-i-tude!TM 

Happy UN-Birthday JUNE 39ers,

(This one’s for you, kids – 39AHC UN-Birthday 39ers: Sally, Christine, Melanie!)

Chat on Twitter: @39HoldingClub


Make the Most of May, 39ers! 

Heading out on the town this month to celebrate your 39 and Holding UN-birthday? That makes you a 39er! No matter how many times you’ve turned 39, in May it’s still a treat to toast the day with your mom. It’s their month, too, birthday or not. Happy Mother’s Day!

If it’s your first 39er UN-birthday, here’s what life was like for mom … 39 years ago this month

39 Years Ago this Month ~ MAY 1979             

   May 18th: “Disco Duck’s” antics of 1976 still influenced our music, with the Top Ten in major cities touting disco songs. Donna Summer brought on the heat with “Hot Stuff” at #1, KFRC/San Francisco. “Disco Nights” by G.Q. rounded out the top ten, as we boogied our way into summer. “And the music’s tight | on the disco nights …”

   May 25th: Little green men? The “Grays"? Oh, no, when we met Alien this day in 1979, it was way more creepy and ominous than those cute little guys. It grossed out enough of us that it won the 1979 Academy Award for Visual Effects. Ewwww! "In space, no one can hear you scream." 


   May 31st: You might recognize the silly comic pup below. He often made us feel human on our worst day (and still does). This day in 1979 was a classic. You know how we dress up for a summer fling, lookin’ oh, so cool … and then stumble, spilling a red fruity drink on the person we were trying to impress? Snoopy always takes his faux pas in stride …
For 39ers who Follow the Stars
Moms bring May flowers, right? Well, it seems like it, since MAY 39er moms—and the rest of you deliberate and down-to-earth Taurus folks (April 20-May 20)—are multi-faceted with complexity to match. Isn’t that a mom attitude?  

But wait, there is more to May 39ers as some of you transform into quick-witted and chatty Gemini go-getters (May 21-June 20). Think fast around your favorite Gemini. Their twin-sign is energetic and versatile, and before you know it, you’re left behind on the way to Mothers’ Day brunch!
Looking for gifts this month?  In the world of flowers, the May lily stands lovely and delicate, as it implies harmony and humility. Or the month’s emerald gemstone is a fine, deep green choice to match the sparkling May personality.

Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
Old age ain’t no place for sissies.
~ Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956; journalist, satirist, known as the "Sage of Baltimore")  
Great cheese and wine need aging, but for 39ers Age is just a number … LIFE is ATT-i-tude!TM 

Happy UN-Birthday MAY 39ers,
(This one’s for you, kids – 39AHC UN-Birthday 39ers: Susie, Pauline, Judith & Vicki!)

Chat on Twitter: @39HoldingClub

Are you a 39er this month? Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!

LinDee Rochelle is a writer and editor by trade, and an author by way of Rock & Roll. She has published two books (of three) in her Blast from Your Past series, available on Amazon (eBook and print): Book 1Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The First Five Years 1954-1959; and Book 2Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The Swinging Sixties. Coming soon, … The Psychedelic Seventies!


Ping Pong is April 39ers' Extreme Sport!

Spirited Aries is leaping up and down in Springtime jubilance, while Earth-bound Taurus yells, “Quit jumping all over my petunias!” Welcome to April! Happy UN-birthday 39ers. Do you recall …

39 Years Ago this Month ~ APRIL 1979                      

April 1: If you claim to be a toddler 39 years ago … who are we to question it? Surely you recall this day when our favorite long-running TV station, Nickelodeon, hit the airwaves? Well, to be fair, it had been broadcasting for a couple of years as the Pinwheel Network. The name was easier to spell, but not as charming. Rebranding to Nickelodeon paid tribute to the first five cent movie theaters of the early 1900s. Wow. Even I wasn’t around back then.

Apr 13: Remember ping-pong? Yes, it’s still around, and is even an Olympic sport, but game snobs call it table tennis. Back in the day, though, it was the family game for spring and summer. No self-respecting game room or garage was without a big ol’ green table. Speaking of family, the Guinness Book of Records (as it was known until 2000) says an April 1979 ping-pong match still holds the longest doubles record. Sacramento, California brothers Phil, Lance, and Mark Warren with friend, Bill Weir, spent 101 hours knocking that little white ball around! Now that makes it an extreme sport for me.

April 24: A treat for 39ers who long for “real” Rock ‘n’ Roll. Pioneering punk rock band, The Ramones, formed in 1974, threw their fame into high gear in the limelight of 1979’s musical film, Rock ‘n’ Roll High School. Centered around a fanatic fan, the band was the subject of her ultimate desires. Already gaining creds in the industry, The Ramones boosted their status as retro innovators, taking Rock back to its roots. Let’s sing along! ♪♪"We need change, and we need it fast / Before rock's just part of the past / 'Cause lately it all sounds the same to me" ♪♪

(“Do You Remember Rock ‘n’ Roll Radio?” recorded 1979, released May 1980.)

For 39ers who Follow the Stars   

Aries (March 21st – April 19th) turns its spirited, energetic attention elsewhere mid-month, as we welcome reality-based Taurus (April 20th – May 20th) to help us celebrate Earth Day (22nd). The down-to-Earth sign guides us firmly into the rites of spring.

Have you ever noticed that both Sun Signs feature horns? Hmmmm … says a lot about free-thinking Aries the Ram, and stubborn … I mean, practical and steadfast … Taurus the Bull.

Shopping for birthday gifts? Red flows dominantly through the Aries psyche, whether they know it or not; and of course, Earth green with tinges of golden brown falls into Taurus’s healthy spectrum. But it’s the clarity of the lustrous diamond that will capture the attention of both, as April’s glittering gemstone.

Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
Laugh, love and live voraciously, because you’re the oldest you’ve ever been and the youngest you’ll ever be again.
~ Unknown (but oh, so wise) 

Great cheese and wine need aging, but for 39ers Age is just a number … LIFE is ATT-i-tude!TM 

Happy UN-Birthday APRIL 39ers,
(This one’s for you, kids – 39AHC UN-Birthday 39ers: Varoujan (John), Uncle E!-a venerable 96 years young!)

Chat on Twitter: @39HoldingClub

LinDee Rochelle is a writer and editor by trade, and an author by way of Rock & Roll. She has published two books (of three) in her Blast from Your Past series, available on Amazon (eBook and print): Book 1Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The First Five Years 1954-1959; and Book 2Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The Swinging Sixties. Coming soon, … The Psychedelic Seventies!


March Doesn’t Stop After the 17th! 


It doesn’t?! Now you tell me.

With St. Patrick’s Day smack-dab in the middle of the month, much of early March is prepping for parties and searching for little green men (leprechauns), a pot o’ gold, and your heritage, for a smidgeon of Irish. Which most of us have, no matter where we’re from; or at least that’s what we’re going to claim.

Why? Because everyone loves a party! While we certainly don’t want to stereotype anyone, I can speak from family experience (starting with Grandpa Connelly) that the Irish can party with the best. Just don’t want to make it your worst! Let’s create a fun new memory, not a viral meme.

If you’re a new 39er, ask your parents if they remember …

39 Years Ago this Month ~ MARCH 1979                    

March 10: What craziness is this?! Legendary Soul/Rocker James Brown performs at the iconic Country venue, Grand Ole Opry! Per a Rolling Stone flashback article (2015): “Brown would later insist that he was a lifelong country music fan and that he had been ‘treated like a prodigal son’ during his Opry appearance, considering it a high point of his entire career.” …RS referenced the Augusta Chronicle “… which once quoted Brown as saying. ‘Country music really is just the white man's blues.’”

March 14: Many Broadway musicals have attempted film adaptations but when big screen audiences flocked to the release of Hair  in theaters, its anti-war premise was as relevant in 1979 as the height of the musical’s popularity in 1969. The title song hit radio charts where it landed at #5 on Sacramento’s KROY Top 60 (May ’69). The writers and composer of the Broadway musical were not pleased with the film adaptation and still maintain that an acceptable big screen version of Hair has not yet been written.

March 19: No one had heard of “fake” news in 1979. Doesn’t mean it wasn’t there. You want real news? Noting the need for news direct from the horses’ mouths, C-SPAN, Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network, based in Washington D.C., debuted on this day 39 years ago. Get the scoop—go there!

For 39ers who Follow the Stars
Pensive Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20) and airy Aries 39ers (21st thru April 19th) march grandly through the month, step-dancing to their own drumbeat.

Lighten up Pisces it’s your month to party! You feel everyone else’s pain; but there is only so much you can do. Empathize or sympathize, whichever is your strength, then take care of yourself.  

While we appreciate Pisces’ help, let’s applaud the valiant and audacious Aries—always ready to grab the bull by the horns. With success the likely outcome, we can forgive their extremes and enjoy their energy.

Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
May your troubles be less, your blessings be more and nothing but happiness come through your door!

One thing we Irish know, is how to play! Balance your work with play and lots of laughter, because … Age is a number … LIFE is ATT-i-tude!TM 

Happy UN-Birthday MARCH 39ers,
(This one’s for you, kids – 39AHC UN-Birthday 39ers: Steven, Pat [IM] Susan, and Jim!)
Chat on Twitter: @39HoldingClub
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Happy St. Patrick’s Day … and beyond!


Happy UN-Birthday February 2018

Times, They Are a-Changin'! 

Change is in the air everywhere, not just in our chaotic climate. From politics on every level, to attitudes, social mores, and personal introspection … For the times, they are a-changin’.*

Having a difficult time trying to come to terms with who you are today? Join the crowd. Or rather, don’t … rearrange yourself, along with your kitchen shelves; or re-color your fashion style and your hair! It’s time to march to your own drumbeat.

UN-Birthdays are the perfect time for the 39ers’ Creed: Reflect ~ Rejoice ~ Rejuvenate!

In truth, all we have is today … right now … this second. Yesterday is past. We can’t change it but we can Reflect on its merits and moments.

Today is your opportunity to Rejoice in your existence to this point and for this day.

With what you learned from Yesterday and your gratefulness for Today, you can look forward to Tomorrow and Rejuvenate your spirit with hope for all your Tomorrows to be. Happy UN-Birthday!

39 Years Ago this Month ~ February 1979                  
Since January ended and February began with a planetary phenomenon, we’ll keep it going with:

February 7th: Beleaguered planet Pluto normally flies around in the sky a tad further from the sun than Neptune. But a little wobbly on its axis, from this day in 1979 through February 11, 1999, ol’ Pluto scooched its orbit closer to the sun than Neptune. Weird, huh?

February 18: Speaking above of changes—how ‘bout that Climate Change? Does it exist? It did back on this day 39 Years Ago! It SNOWED in the Sahara Desert for half an hour! And … the white stuff showed up again in December 2016. Not surprisingly, the Sahara is considered a “hot” potential for solar energy production. Question: what are “they” waiting for?!
February 10th: Fun music fact—“Do Ya Think I’m Sexy” (Rod Stewart) topped radio charts from WLS/Chicago to KFRC/San Francisco, for the rest of the Valentine month. Hubba, Hubba.

February 11th: More entertainment titillation—randy Kurt Russell wowed television audiences in forty-three million homes (mostly women), with his dynamic portrayal of Elvis! on ABC. Apparently, he figured that was his crowning TV achievement and made it his last small screen role. Speaking of stars …

For 39ers who Follow the Stars
If you’re a February 39er, the color gods paint you (and your hair) in a kaleidoscope of hues—early Feb Aquarian Water-bearers (Jan 20-Feb 18), can re-style the palette of your moods, with turquoise green, bright blue, or purple. Or not so radically, a “normal” color to freshen your wardrobe and/or hair style for the New Year.

Walking through the sands of time with Pisces Fish (Feb 19-Mar 20), all shades of green keep you cool. Which goes spectacularly with blondes and redheads.

Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
Aging is letting go of who you were yesterday, and coming to terms with who you are today.
~ LinDee Rochelle; author/editor, and your 39er hostess.

Great cheese and wine need aging, but to 39ersAge is a number … LIFE is ATT-i-tude!TM 

Happy UN-Birthday FEBRUARY 39ers,
(This one’s for you, kids – 39AHC UN-Birthday 39ers: Sharon and Rochelle!)
Chat on Twitter: @39HoldingClub
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* Seems we haven’t learned much since Bob Dylan’s 1964 enduring, “The Times They Are A-Changin’.”


Happy UN-Birthday January 2018!
New Year ~ Look Back but don’t GO Back 

Often at the beginning of a New Year, we look back, before we step forward. Not just to contemplate the exiting year, but reflecting on bygone decades and applaud how far we’ve evolved. Like, oh, say, since 1979

39 is the magic number here at 39AHC. 1979 proved a banner year 39 Years Ago This Month, with the average cost of a new home roughly $72,000, and the annual income to purchase it at $17,500.

Hmmm, many wages don’t even make that mark now. There are still states where minimum wages are less than $10 per hour ($19,200/year)!

To put it in perspective, home buying averages have increased FIVE times 1979 costs (2016 average $374,650), while wages have essentially stagnated. And we’re not even throwing in groceries and other COL expenses.

Looking backward is one thing … going backward is quite unacceptable.

So 39ers, if no others, let’s make one resolution this New Year. No going back. Make everything you do about moving forward to improve your life. Believe in yourself and trust your instincts.

In the meantime, we will continue making fun of our music and styles of 1979—even if “You Don’t Bring Me Flowers”! (Barbara Streisand and Neil Diamond hit #7 on L.A.’s KHJ chart, January 9, 1979.)

39 Years Ago this Month ~ January 1979                   

Remember when Disco Duck was wearing thin and we couldn’t wait to move on? A New York musical group put the brakes on our move away from Disco when they forgot Halloween wasn’t ‘til October.

The Village People strutted the stage and gave sports stadium organists a new song for boisterous crowds to scream at the top of their lungs.

January 6th: “Y.M.C.A.”—like many novelty songs, blasted its way to the top of charts, and lasted way beyond its prime. “Y.M.C.A.” beat out the Streisand/Diamond song, hitting #3 on KHJ’s Top Thirty.

January 13th: It didn’t make everyone joyful, though. “The” YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association) was not amused. At least not at first. The organization filed a libel suit against The Village People’s song, but eventually saw the benefits of its association, and life goes on.
January 26th: Television was not immune to cute and corny. Into our lives roared General Lee, a 1969 Dodge Charger, with The Dukes of Hazzard in tow. The CBS show that countrified short-shorts left the guys drooling over Daisy, while women swooned over the sculpted bods of Bo and Luke. Talk about high octane! "Yeeeee-Haaa"!

For 39ers who Follow the Stars
Happy UN-Birthday January 39ers! Let’s get back to earth with comfortable Capricorns leading us into the New Year ( Dec 22-Jan 19; like 39AHC birthday gal, Erin, left). Determined and focused, they point us in the right direction after we’ve picked up the party plates.

Capricorns make great friends to discuss your future with—they’ll support you, while playing Devil’s Advocate to help you avoid pitfalls you’re trying to ignore.
Airy Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18) is there to brighten our horizons when we threaten to slide into mid-month, post-Holiday doldrums. Intellectually stimulating with a flair for fun, Aquarius adds sunshine to our dark, stormy winter days. Don’t forget the hot buttered rum … yum!

Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
May all your troubles last as long as your New Year's resolutions.
~ Arnold Glasow (1905–1998; US businessman, author, Glasow's Gloombusters, published at the age of 92.
Great cheese and wine need aging, but to 39ersAge is a number … 
LIFE is ATT-i-tude!TM 

Happy UN-Birthday JANUARY 39ers,
(This one’s for you, kids – 39AHC UN-Birthday 39ers: Erin, Kris, Jodie & Joel!)

Chat on Twitter: @39HoldingClub
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