Thankful for Today & Flowers of May
Happy UN-Birthday MAY 39ers! FINALLY (May 10th) I'm bringing you a full-fledged scion of May flowers after the showers! See below for the best that could be done "after the fact," ya know?
I’ve added a little “general info” and hope you’ll return soon to join me for JUNE! It's in the works. Sometimes, 39ers, all you can do is forge ahead. The good news is we’re old enough to be smart about it!
֎ Celebrating MAY 39ers ~ And More!
Lick your lips and grab a milkshake, it’s National
Hamburger Month. Oh, yum. Yes, it was! Back in 2018 the sponsoring link,
USA Today, posted a great article on hamburgers—doesn’t matter what month or
year—it’s all still tasty!
Their site asks, “Did you know that most people today cannot name their great-grandparents?
Does that give you pause? … It should. Because that means your great-grandchildren may not know anything about you.” Ironically, for Memorial Day, my son asked about his great-grandfather who fought in WWI. He said, “I don’t even know what he looks like.”
Although I may have shown him photos in the past, he obviously didn’t remember them—I was more than happy to email a few. We chatted on the phone about my gruff grandfather, who I nicknamed, The Saddle Tramp in a booklet transcribed from a 1968 taped interview with my uncle. He was still traveling and kicking around the Pacific Northwest on a horse, back in the first decade of the 20th century. So much fun to recall his memory for my son—unfortunately, I know next-to-nothing about my great-grandparents. It doesn’t matter what month we’re in, ask family members or start your ancestry searches today!
¬For 39ers who Follow the StarsSorry, Taurus (04/20-05/20) & Gemini (05/21-06/20) 39er friends, but May will be a tad short and sweet. Gemini, you’ll gain the most as we continue your heavenly exploits in June. Just remember to make your life the best it can be, no matter where the stars and planets are!

May 23rd: No surprise—in May we were wishing for our Full Moon Magic on a Full Flower Moon! Also known over the centuries as Moon of Shedding Ponies (Oglala) and Leaf Budding Moon (Cree), its burst of energy brought forth growth for flora, fauna, and us!
֎ Monthly Song of Note ♪
Even toiling as a government employee and working a part-time musical side-hustle, William DeVaughn knew what was important in life, “Be Thankful for What You Got.” Sitting at #18 of KHJ/L.A.’s May 21, 1974 survey, it still resonates with life today.
The lyrical version we heard on the radio was just half of this marathon song that stretched over seven minutes, with the lyric/instrumental edition. DeVaughn is still active and swaying to the music. ♪ … Though you may not drive a great big Cadillac | Gangsta whitewalls | TV antennas in the back … ♪ More tuneful tidbits to manifest your memories of 1974, and keep the Rock Rockin’ from 50 Years Ago this Month!֎ Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
Perseverance. Determination.
Resolution. Tenacity. And a dash of Obstinacy with a healthy dose of
Irreverence. That’s the best of 39er life. ~ L. Rochelle
UN-Birthday 39ers ~ MAY 2024
~ Rock On!
This one’s for you, kids – Susie, Pauline,
Vicki and Judith!
Celebrate 39 & Holding Day
Chat on Twitter: @39HoldingClub
And dear readers, I just want you to know that I try my best to create an informative, aesthetically creative article for you each month. However, Blogger is not a professional hosting site—but they’re free through Google. So we’re stuck with their crummy platform that doesn’t work well to manipulate images with writing, if you aren’t a techie who knows HTML. Trust me, I’ve tried for years to write articles without gaps between paragraphs and even between sentences. Sigh. Maybe I’ll win the lottery and be able to afford a professional hosting site someday. Cheers!
LinDee Rochelle is a writer and editor by trade, and author by way of Rock & Roll. She has published two books (of three) in her Blast from Your Past series, available on Amazon: Book 1 (currently eBook only, until updated) – Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The First Five Years 1954-1959; and Book 2 (eBook, print & color!) – Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The Swinging Sixties. Coming soon … The Psychedelic Seventies!
*Important Message: Any data, links, or opinions on this site are for your information only and does not constitute legal or medical expertise of any kind. My proficiency is writing and sensible reporting. Period. All links have been vetted, but as always, please use all data, links, or my skewed opinions at your own risk.
Are you a 39er this month? Welcome to the 39 and Holding Club! Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!
<><><><>39ers RULE<><><><>
POSTED 05/01/24 @ 10:28P
A full-fledged scion of Spring, May should bring joy and warm your winter heart with visions of flowers in bloom. If only I could enjoy it …
If you’ve been reading this site for a while, you know I’ve struggled immensely to write, while following a mandatory mandate set by apartment building owners to vacate the premises for a ten-day period, floor-by-floor, while they renovate inside and out.
Vacate doesn’t mean just me and a suitcase for a fun staycation returning to a beautiful “new” home. It meant we had to pack, move and allow them to store everything we own. This is a senior citizen apartment building. From 60 years to 100 … stating they would give us “everything we need” to make it happen. They lied. And they didn’t make us aware of the personal ramifications.
The building owners have stolen time from my life, disrupted my goals, and deteriorated my health. Admittedly, until last year I had never lived in a high-rise apartment and am new to the ins-and-outs of its owner/property management/tenant constructs and skewed legalities. As happens many times in life, I wish I had it to do over again.
I am now going to
appeal to you through the social media communities. By common definition, this is a borderline
form of #ElderAbuse.
If anyone reading this has ever experienced, or known/heard of this type of
mass move-out of senior citizens from their homes for “renovations,” please
contact me via X/Twitter: @Irishwriter or @39HoldingClub, either by DM or publicly.
eMail is also available at Info @
(without spaces)
So, enough about me! Of course, I wanted to post a fun 39er article for you today. Unfortunately, it’s going to be piecemeal again, and over a period of time. Please return for the beginning, hopefully tomorrow (Thursday 05/02/24) and periodically, for updates. In the meantime, remember, you may be 40+, 50+, or 60+, but no matter what happens, “Never give up! As soon as you do, the other guy wins.” Coming soon …
May 7th: It may not carry the punch of April’s stellar New Moon and Eclipse, but May’s New Moon Musings will still provide a dynamic opportunity to reassess and start anew.
May 23rd: No surprise—this month we’ll be wishing on a Full Flower Moon!
And of course, we won’t forget to follow the stars to Taurus & Gemini 39ers!
Oh so much more, coming soon to a flower stand near you!
Happy UN-Birthday 39ers ~ MAY 2024 ~ Rock On!
Join the 39 & Holding ClubCelebrate 39 & Holding Day
Chat on Twitter: @39HoldingClub