August 39ers Celebrate Dog Days of
Argh! How did we get to August
already? Well, as much as we love our summer
splashes and BBQ blasts, let’s hope the Dog Days of Summer go quickly! Not
without a party or two, of course. Happy UN-Birthday, 39ers!

Though interesting and great
party-talk info, enough ancient history and astronomy. It’s time to feature the
happenings of that timeless age, only
39 Years Ago this Month ~ August
Amongst the spy novels that have always
been popular, August 1978’s bestselling books also included two tomes that
explored the human psyche in very different ways:
The World According to Garp (John Irving), and popular
columnist, Erma Bombeck’s If Life Is A Bowl Of Cherries, What Am I Doing in the Pits?
With feminism in full fever, Irving
hit a nerve in his rather dark story of life events, as relevant today as they
were fresh, exploratory, and antagonistic, then. The action in his first
bestseller begins with a feminist nurse who yearns for a child but shuns
marriage, and her extreme lengths to become pregnant. Enter son, T.S. Garp …
Irving is a masterful writer; and as
in many writers, his prose often reveals bouts of inner disturbance, encircled
by genius insight.
On a lighter note, for decades the
illustrious Ms. Bombeck led many a lady to love her witty, astute life-tips.
Beginning as a humor columnist, engaging us with the eccentricities of family
absurdities, complete with dog, Bombeck’s books take life a little further into
our psyches, and strikes a nerve of a different color than Irving …

Ah … well … if only she could see us
now! We still just worry about surviving. But YOU, August 39ers are celebrating
another UN-birthday—proof of survival!
For 39ers who Follow the Stars …
Let’s get on with it and follow
life-of-the-party Leos
(07/23 – 08/22) as they turn impish Virgos
(08/23 – 09/22) on to some cool party tricks during these hot, steamy days.
Wielding boisterous words with a Gladiolus stalk like the “sword
lily” your birth month flower is, Leos command attention, taking your slice of
summer life to the hilt.

Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
As a graduate of the Zsa Zsa Gabor School of Creative Mathematics, I honestly do not know how
old I am.
Erma Bombeck;
1927 – 1996, humor columnist/author.
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