I’m Late! For a Very Important Date
It’s true—I’ve been neglecting 39 and Holding Club a bit. Not out of
true negligence, but from overwork, as I finish a book for its Big Bro site, Blast from Your Past.
Writing a book is a monumental
project that fairly consumes the author, to the point of hibernation.
Which brings me to February’s Birthday
Deep into our winter hibernation,
far away from summer fun and frolic, we must stir and pop open an eye to party
with our fave Aquarians and Pisceans.
And though there are other noble
reasons to commemorate February along with Cupid—World Radio Day (13th),
Presidents’ Day (20th),
and Marijuana Awareness Month—for
the 39 and Holding Club, February 14th is also
“Grandpa” Jack Benny Day!
Why do we care? Why … he’s the reason
we’re here.
39 Years Ago this Month ~ February
Though the Psychedelic Era of
love and enlightenment began to follow the tide out to sea in 1978, China
jumped on the loving bandwagon this month 39
years ago, as it finally admitted to its people’s love for classic
literature. February 11th marks the anniversary of the release of China’s ban on
works by Aristotle, Shakespeare, and the beloved British novelist, Charles Dickens. Sheesh. About time. And, February
7th marks ol’ Charlie’s birthday! So he was an Aquarian too …
For 39ers who Follow the Stars …
If you’re a February 39er, the color gods paint you in a kaleidoscope of hues—early
Feb Aquarian Water-bearers
(Jan 20-Feb 18), can dip into the pool of your moods, with turquoise green,
bright blue, or purple.
Walking through the sands of time
with Pisces Fish (Feb 19-Mar
20), all shades of green keep you cool. (Not a red heart in sight.)
~ Shakespeare,
2 Henry IV 3.4.283
Ah, m’dear February 39ers, BUT … Love
does not require performance, it only
needs a look, a touch, and a kiss. (Yours truly.)
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