Happy UN-Birthday MARCH 39ers! ♪ And many more… ♪ We 39ers often look back and wonder
where the time disappeared to … wasn’t it Only Yesterday ... that I posted February's article? LOL Sometimes it feels that way. As usual, I was late to post this, but I promise, our “March Madness” is a work of art! A few more images and links to post, and likely a little editing polish, but we’re havin’ fun now. Let’s get to it …
֎ Celebrating MARCH 39ers ~ And More!
Oh my, we have a festive full month for you! From National Craft Month
to our own 39 And Holding Day party, the month is chock-full of fun …
but first … look to the skies—Pisces and Aries lead us into both
a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse—it’s gonna be a busy month for
For 39ers who Follow the Stars
Even before the Total Lunar Eclipse March 13th-14th, dear Pisces (02/19-03/20), you’ll lean into the power of the 14th’s Full Moon, for examining, revising and cleaning, at home and in business. After all, March 20th is the 1st day of Spring and this month, you will shine! That’s not to say, it won’t be tumultuous at times, because with deep cleaning comes change—and lessons. But you’re a creative person and if you put your talents to work, you might find a lucrative income stream. Though you may need to toe the line financially, for a short time around the Solar Eclipse (March 29th), never fear, it will be worth it. Ah, don’t think you’re going to skate through March on a four-leaf-clover, dear Aries (03/21-04/19)! You, too, will feel the need for an overhaul. Profound self-reflection tops your list mid-month, but it’s all good … eventually. Your sign takes over on the 1st day of Spring (20th) and with a little patience, by the 29th’s New Moon, you’ll be ready for a new beginning. Not only will you see a fresh path, but you’ll know why and how to use it to your advantage. Be firm, but don’t be pushy, and you’ll stride with purpose into April.
Are you a friend or other loved one tasked with helping your Pisces or Aries 39er celebrate their special but complicated month? You’ll never go wrong with the birthstone that covers them both—March may be turning green, but its lovely birthstone, the sea-blue Aquamarine, soothes troubled waters and helps them “Keep calm and sail on.”
♪ March Golden
Song of Note ♪
Starting its journey up the KENO chart at #36 (March 26th) was actually a quick trip, as it was only released on March 14th. KHJ/Los Angeles and KENO marked its rise fairly evenly, putting the sentimental ballad into the Top 10 by the end of April. It was a slow, but steady rise, reminiscent of how memories are made. Give it a listen, then c’mon over for more tuneful vintage tidbits to manifest your memories and keep the Rock Rockin’ from 50 Years Ago this Month!
֎ More March Fun for Everyone
So 39ers, what kind of crafter are you? A knitter, a painter, a sculptor, a stained glass aficionado? If you haven’t indulged your Inner Child with art, do it now! It’s National Craft Month. Though no sponsoring link accompanied the date, I found one I think you’ll like! For all levels of crafters and a dozen different ideas, get inspired. Check it out and relax with your favorite hands-on expression of creativity.
Are you looking forward to tomorrow? Do you smile often? Welcome to Optimism Month! Though the sponsor is likely off enjoying the world, there’s no link, but “calendar lists” have become more pro-active to provide information and history for their listings. Check this out—not only how it began, but some good advice … “It is not as simple as being positive and looking on the bright side, but that’s a start.” Absolutely! I’m optimistic that you’ll find some awesome tips!Sunday ~ March 9th: Right up there with the whole debacle of current politics, Daylight Saving Time is about as controversial in a conversation as you can get! Today’s the day (or rather, middle-of-the-night) when we set our clocks ahead one hour so we can enjoy longer days for summer. Welllllll, that’s not the real reason, but it works for me! Wouldn’t it be fun for a poll to ask whether we should continue changing twice per year, as is, or abolish it and keep one or the other—but then, which one?! Ah, the complexities of life …
March 13th-14th: Are you ready for some Full Moon Magic* in the heavens? Not only will we betreated to a Full Worm Moon, but the moon is giving us a show with a total lunar eclipse! Between midnight and 6:00a (EDT) *“All phases of the eclipse will be visible across all 50 U.S. states (including Alaska and Hawaii), Canada and Mexico.” Cool. Even better—the moon will totally vanish between 2:26 and 3:31a (EDT). Sorry, chances are you won’t see me at that time, but still, for night owls, what a sight! There’s xxxxxx on whether the Full Worm Moon speaks of earthworms or larvae, but both become active about now. The Cree people also call it the Eagle Moon. Whichever you prefer, enjoy its power and magic. Monday ~ March 17th: Faith ‘n’ begorra*, it’s St. Patrick’s Day! It’s been said for decades, “Everybody is a little bit Irish on St. Patrick’s Day!” True or not, you have to admit it’s a pretty fun day. As I t happens, I am, with an ancestral surname of Connelly, and it’s long been one of my favorite days. A few interesting St. Patrick’s Day facts:On March 17, 1601, in what is now St. Augustine, Florida, Spanish settlers and Irish clergy organized the first known St. Patrick’s Day celebration. So when did the Northeast take over? Boston hosted its first parade in 1737, followed by New York City in 1762, in a parade of Irish soldiers serving in the British army who marched through the streets in honor of their homeland. In the 1840s, the Irish comprised nearly half of all immigrants to the US, especially numerous following the Potato Famine of 1845.
*Begorrah is a euphemism for the phrase “by God.” You sometimes hear it in the phrase, “faith and begorrah.” It’s the Irish equivalent of an American saying, “by golly” or “by gosh.
An old Irish proverb: "Bíonn súil leis an bhfarraige" … pronunciation: Bee-un sool lesh on var-igga: meaning: There's hope with the sea / Hope springs eternal.
March 20th: Speaking of Hope and Spring … today is the First Day of Spring! A perfect day to meditate on going forward in life. You have exactly ninety days during which we receive an increase in daylight before the June 20th Summer Solstice, culminating in the longest day of the year. And then, yep, it starts ebbing back until Winter.
Saturday ~ March 22nd: I know it’s a little-known special day, but hopefully that will change in time. What is 39 and Holding Day!? It’s the day I chose a couple of years ago, to celebrate ALL who are 40+. We deserve a day! We each have “a day” every year on our UN-Birthdays, but this day provides a time we can gather with a few friends, or in a party, or even a community event to celebrate our learned wit and wisdom.
The link will tell you how and why it came about, but it does need some updates—coming soon! What can you do to enjoy our day? If solo, call a friend! If looking for a party excuse, this is it! Or, make it a community day with an event like I’ll be holding in San Diego. A few local 40+ authors are getting together for an authors’ roundtable, and have invited a community of a senior building to chat about our “Living Legacies.” Whatever you do, remember, if you’re in 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s or more, we’re not our grandparents’ elders. We’re vibrant, fun, and Aging with ATT-i-tude!Saturday ~ March 29th: From a Full Worm Moon eclipse earlier, to this morn’s partial solar eclipse, followed by tonight’s New Moon, it’s been a full month of celestial fun! Although we won’t see much of the eclipse in the US, it’s still a significant heavenly event, and remember … (Space.com) it is NEVER safe to look directly at the sun without solar eclipse glasses (primary solar eclipse from 4:50 a.m. to 8:43 a.m. EDT). This is an excellent day to celebrate New Moon Musings and boost your fresh start to April with hope and plans for Spring.
֎ Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
Luck, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. It’s a
joyful lesson to learn as we Age with ATT-i-tude. ~ L. Rochelle
UN-Birthday 39ers ~ MARCH 2025 ~ Make Your Own Luck!
This one’s for you, kids – Steven, Pat
(IM), Susan and Jim (IM)!
Celebrate 39 & Holding Day
Chat on Twitter: @39HoldingClub
And dear readers, I just want you to know that I try my best to create an informative, aesthetically creative article for you each month. However, Blogger is not a professional hosting site—but they’re free through Google. So we’re stuck with their crummy platform that doesn’t work well to manipulate images with writing, especially if you aren’t a techie who knows HTML. Trust me, I’ve tried for years to write articles without gaps between paragraphs and even between sentences. Sigh. Maybe I’ll win the lottery and be able to afford a professional hosting site someday.
LinDee Rochelle is a writer and editor by trade, and author by way of Rock & Roll. She has published two books (of three) in her Blast from Your Past series, available on Amazon: Book 1 (currently eBook only, until updated) – Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The First Five Years 1954-1959; and Book 2 (eBook, print & color!) – Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The Swinging Sixties. Coming soon (eventually) … The Psychedelic Seventies!
*Important Message: Any data, links, or opinions on this site are for your information only and does not constitute legal or medical expertise of any kind. My proficiency is writing and sensible reporting. Period. All links have been vetted, but as always, please use information, links, or my skewed opinions at your own risk.
Are you a 39er this month? Welcome to the 39 and Holding Club! Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!
<><><><>39ers RULE<><><><>